Essays on Lion

Biology And Conservation Of The New Zealand Sea Lion (Phocarctos Hookeri)

Introduction Phocarctos hookeri, commonly referred to as the New Zealand sea lion; from the family Otariidae and are one of the largest animals in New Zealand (see figure 1). The Otariidae family consists of three groupings of Pinnipeds (seals), one of which being the Phocarctos hookeri (King, 1960). They are the only identified species of...
2365 Words 5 Pages

Cry Of The Kalahari: Mark And Delia Owens About Lions

Mark and Delia Owens are two individuals who shared the love of researching and understanding animals in their natural habitat. They were zoologists who strove to their dream of saving the precious life in Africa. They met in the early 70s as students at the University of Georgia, and soon were able to live their...
1467 Words 3 Pages
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