Essays on Literature

How Is Power Used And Abused In ‘An Inspector Calls’?

‘An Inspector Calls’ is a play written in 1945 that exposes how power was used and abused upon the lower class citizens in 1912. JB Priestley exposes the faults in a capitalistic society through the death of Eva Smith. The play follows the awful events that lead to her death through the power abuse of...
550 Words 1 Page

Good Transformed Into Evil: Macbeth A Tragic Hero

The human mind consists of good and evil decisions, morals, or ideas. Whether or not we are born with those qualities is a different question. Yale University concluded a research finding that babies are innately born good, and are capable of passing moral judgement from the age of one. On the contrary, well known philosopher...
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Sammy’s Character Change In “A & P”

​At the beginning of “A & P,” Sammy is portrayed as an immature young man. To start with, he makes it clear that he places a lot of significance on the physical attributes of individuals. This can be fetched from his descriptions of the three girls who come into the store. He describes them according...
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The Sound And The Fury: Jason Analysis

In William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury, Faulkner exemplifies that Jason’s hostile actions are the result of his obligation to protect the Compson name. Jason’s desire to uphold his family name is clear in his actions towards his niece, Ms. Quentin. While driving in the car together, Quentin says she never uses Jason’s money...
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Madness In Shakespeare's King Lear

A definition of madness can be “mental delusion or eccentric behavior arising from it,” however madness itself can seem to be completely interpretive, as Emily Dickinson wrote that “much madness in its divinest sense- to a discerning eye.” Characters often seem to showcase an apparent madness, one that is completely misunderstood, but ultimately ends up...
1276 Words 3 Pages

The Sound And The Fury: Compson Women Evolution

 In The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner presents an escalation of selfishness in the Compson women reflecting the exacerbation of destructive behaviours as generations evolve. The initiation of such behaviours is presented by Caroline Compson’s selfishness, self pity and self absorption. In Benjy’s section, Caroline speaks to Jason on the way “to the cemetery,”...
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The Monkey’s Paw: The Theme Of Right Choices

What is the most valuable of everything we want? What can we lose with what we win? What happens if we make a mistake in the election? In “The Monkey’s Paw” by W.W., Jacobs explores this dilemma. This terrifying story follows the White family who receive a talisman, a monkey’s paw that grants three wishes...
1185 Words 3 Pages

Feminism In The Fairy Tale Beauty And The Beast

​In children’s fairy tales, there is a strong protagonist that conveys a message that teaches simple morals and social norms to guide the young children in understanding the expectations that they will be accountable for as they grow. The idea of feminism empowerment supports and advocates for women’s rights on the very social and economic...
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To Build A Fire: Tone, Theme And Characters

In Jack London’s “To Build a Fire,” he famous how a guy goes via a harsh wintry weather inside the forest facing multiple boundaries along the way. He has to depend upon what he thinks he must do whilst problems stand up rather than thinking intuitively and past the obvious. Before the unnamed guy left...
1852 Words 4 Pages

Ballad Of Birmingham: Stylistic Devices In A Poem

The Ballad of Birmingham revolves around a little girl who would want to travel downtown to be part of a freedom protest. She cannot go because her mother does not let because of the dangerous conditions outside. Her mother instead tells her to go to church regardless of the little girl explaining that she would...
633 Words 1 Page
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