Essays on Literature

History Of Copyright In The

The modern understanding of an author is, according to Jaszi & Woodmansee (1994), a “relatively recent invention”, but the history of copyright in the United Kingdom can be dated back to the 15th and 16th centuries where governments were attempting to regulate the output of printers after the introduction of the printing press by William...
825 Words 2 Pages

Comparison Of The Picture Of Dorian Gray And Dracula

Significantly both writers explore the reoccurring theme of sexuality dominating both novels challenging the stereotypes of a contemporary audience due to such ideas being abhorred. Having ‘sexual freedom’ means being unrestricted to who one chooses to live with or love without social, political, medical or cultural prosecution which both novelists convey through the characterisation of...

An Exploration Of Illusion And Reality In Carol Ann Duffy's Poetry

Carol Ann Duffy is one of the most significant names in the world of contemporary poetry, her work is viewed as “accessible” regularly featuring within many secondary schools and universities across Britain. Her writing can be described as conversational, using very simple language which can make her poems seem exceedingly straightforward at first glance, but...
706 Words 2 Pages
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