Essays on Management

The Elements Of Business Plan

Abstract The development of strategies and tactics of production and business activities of the organization is the most significant task for a new entrepreneur. A generally accepted form of proceeding strategies and tactics is a Business Plan. After reading all the possible information and doing some studies, I tried to write as much as possible...
2215 Words 5 Pages

Performance Management And Motivation: A Case Analysis Of Haier

Introduction Haier has grown from a struggling Chinese state-owned enterprise to a global leader in appliance manufacturing. Its success can be attributed to effective marketing strategies and a unique performance management system introduced in 1985. This system made employees directly responsible for their own performance and as such their own salary. It created opportunities for...
2013 Words 4 Pages

Social Media For Customer Relationship Management CRM

Introduction Social media is a must for an organisation to stay competitive on the market in this age of fresh techniques. Social Media is an instrument for managing customer interactions and keeping them closer together. Social media promotes customer relationship management development. The important role of social media, the use and the increase of social...
2745 Words 6 Pages

Dynamic Strategic Planning For Airports

Dynamic Strategic Planning is one of the recommended methods to apply for a successful airport management and development, ensuring growth traffic and revenue. This Strategy has been outlined by De Neufville and Odoni, in 2003, at the same time as Heathrow Airport started studies about a third runway to ease daily operations and reduce saturation....
956 Words 2 Pages

Quality Management In Healthcare Industry

Understanding the importance of quality management in healthcare is crucial for growth in the industry. The reason this management concept was chosen from the rest is due to the recurrent incidences among staff nurse and student nurses where the quality of nursing skills has been compromised in the clinical setting due to various reasons. One...
1241 Words 3 Pages

Decision-Making Using Simulation In Management

ABSTRACT Decision-making in ventures holds various conceivable outcomes for benefits and dangers. Because of the unpredictability of decision-making processes, modelling and simulation devices are being utilized to encourage them and limit the risk of settling on wrong choices in the different business procedure stages. We feature the job of modelling and simulation in improving basic...
1017 Words 2 Pages

Personal Negotiation Philosophy

First and foremost, I must emphasise how grateful I am for having taken this course. Throughout my educational journey to obtain my bachelor degree, I had the privilege of studying negotiation. I learned the principles of what an ideal negotiation exchange would look like. This fell under Integrative bargaining, in which parties would collaborate to...
2504 Words 6 Pages

Strategy, Strategic Management Accounting And Performance

A Configurational Analysis The basis of this article is to scrutinize the efficacy of the different configurational archetypes of strategy and strategic management accounting and to evaluate how management accounting’s horizontal and vertical alignment with strategy can facilitate performance. This paper derives the whole configurational approach to scrutinize the relationship between strategy, strategic management accounting...
1913 Words 4 Pages

Risk Violence Assessment

This assignment is focusing on a topic analyzing the correlation between Intimate Partner Violence and Violence Risk Assessment in a Health context. The subject of IPV is analyzing through a Violence Risk Assessment perspective and taking place in Community Health Services and Police. Also, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate specificity, sensitivity, pay-off...
2709 Words 6 Pages

Case Study About Conflicts In Family Business

On September 2012, I was having a cup of coffee with my friend Eng. Khaled Alghunaimat who was the production manager of ALAFDAL for steel company. ALAFDAL is a family owned metal fabrication company specialized in fabricating metal doors and fences. ALAFDAL factory was located in Sehab, Jordan. The company was founded by Khaled’s father...
616 Words 1 Page
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