Essays on Marketing

Consumer Behavior Factors In Online Shopping

Abstract Online shopping is a prevailing trend in the society, and it is growing rapidly nowadays. It has greatly changed people’s lifestyle, without stepping out the door, we can buy all kind of goods from all over the world. Nowadays, people would prefer online shopping rather than online shopping due to the convenience brought, especially...
2582 Words 6 Pages

Newspaper PDF On Social Media: Legal Or Not?

INTRODUCTION Article 19(1)(a) of the constitution of India lays down freedom of speech and expression. Article 19(2) also provides some restrictions on freedom of speech and expression. Thus freedom of speech and expression provided in the Indian constitution is not an absolute right. Freedom of expression on the internet: Internet speech has the potential for...
925 Words 2 Pages

Revealing Of Importance Of Customer Relationship Management

1.CRM stands for ‘Customer Relationship Management.’ The primary business value of customer relationships today is indisputable. Thus, many companies are implementing CRM in business initiatives and information systems as part of the customer-focused or customer-centric strategy to improve their chances for success in today’s competitive business environment. As we can see, ‘Daraz’ is a marketplace...
723 Words 2 Pages

Revealing The Meaning Of Term 'Value Chain'

Value chain is the sequential set of primary and support activities that organizations performs to turn inputs into value-added outputs for its external customers. Primary activities are those that associated with production which are inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales and after sales service. Meanwhile, support activities are those that provide the background...
665 Words 1 Page

Analysis Of Waitrose Customer Service

Waitrose is one of the biggest grocery stores in the UK. For such a big industry, it might be hard to monitor where it needs to make improvements, but Waitrose is doing its best to provide excellent customer service. Competitive advantage is an ability that allows business to make its work the best that its...
2841 Words 6 Pages

The Role Of Graphic Design For Branding

This essay will be discussing the different roles in branding that graphic designers use. I will be mainly focusing on how graphic designers use these to help all the different companies/businesses to evolve and expand to succeed. Firstly, we need to know what is the definition of Branding? Branding is simply enough how people view...
1549 Words 3 Pages

Brand Awareness Through Social Networking

Brand is a selection of words, behaviour and attitudes that addresses the target audience. It is a symbol that creates an image of a brand, so in simple words, a method to bring the customers’ attention, it promotes recognition to let people feel more happy and secure to buy the products. Brand awareness is the...
430 Words 1 Page
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