Essays on Mental Health

Synesthesia In Robert Gray's Poetry

Robert Gray is a poet who uses sensory images through juxtaposition, comparison, Romanticism, Synesthesia to explore Australian, Spiritual, Emotional landscape that explores the perspective regulated in his poetry. Robert Gray’s poetry is both metaphysical and physical illustrated in ‘Journey, The North Coast’ capturing the substance of experiences through feelings and emotions. The poem draws on...
601 Words 1 Page

Role Of Dopamine In Schizophrenia

Affecting 1 in 100 individuals, the prolonged mental disorder, schizophrenia, is characterised by altered thoughts and experience from reality. Schizophrenia typically influences the ideas, perceptions and behaviour of individuals and also hindering their ability to perform regular tasks. While the symptoms of schizophrenia are diverge in multiple groups; positive, negative and cognitive, the following piece...
951 Words 2 Pages

Understanding Living With Schizophrenia

 Introduction The World Health Organisation defines “schizophrenia as a severe mental disorder, characterised by profound disruptions in thinking, affecting language, perception and the sense of self.” (WHO, 2019) The aim of this assignment is to discuss and analyse the mental health experience of John Nash, a Nobel Prize recipient in Economics, using the 2001 biographical...
1242 Words 3 Pages

Meditation As A Treatment From Depression

In western country, people with western culture, some of them said that meditation could be an alternative medication treatment for people who have anxiety or depression. Anxiety is one of the mental health disorders that related to the emotion. Anxiety is an emotion that indicates by feelings pressured, the worried thought, and an incline in...
1497 Words 3 Pages

The Laws About Sexual Child Abuse

Children in society often encounter many inherent disadvantages as they are much less aware of their rights and thus require greater protection. Child protection refers to strategies and structures aimed at protecting children from abuse, exploitation, neglect and violence (Save the Children, 2010). The laws in Queensland relating to the protection of children to a...
1565 Words 3 Pages

Developing And Importance Of Music Therapy

During the last decade, health care has significantly evolved to include an even wider variety of aspects of the patient’s physical and mental health. Upon evolving, the demand for various specialties within the field grew as well, one of which bloomed right after World War I and II, music therapy. Using musical elements, such as...
545 Words 1 Page

Eating Disorders in Fashion Industry

 Dr. Rachel Adato – Levy declares, “Beautiful is not underweight, beautiful should not be anorexic,” the fashion industry’ us the images of woman who are not of average weight in magazines to twist the minds of what an “average person” looks like. This view of the average person has led to a slew of mental...
1744 Words 4 Pages

Revealing Reasons Of Childhood-onset Schizophrenia

Many individuals like to escape reality by creating their imaginary world. However, those individuals can distinguish between reality and illusion and can function normally in everyday life. Unlike patients with schizophrenia, which is a type of brain disorder that disturbs the individual daily life by being trapped in an illusion. Patients with this disorder live...
1631 Words 4 Pages

Stress Management Reaction

Stress Score According to the Social Readjustment Rating Score in the (name of the book) textbook, I have a stress score of 311. This means I have a “80 percent chance of illness” (Coon and Mitterer 2013) and that I am having a “major life crisis” (Coon and Mitterer 2013) at the moment. Personally, my...
1241 Words 3 Pages
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