Essays on Metaphysics

The Metaphysics Of The Process By Alfred North Whitehead

The constitutive dynamism of reality The history of Western metaphysics, beyond all the specific differences of authors, periods, and different cultural contexts, has always had, from antiquity to the modern era, a common characteristic: it was mainly the study of substances. The idea, in effect, that the world is made up of entities that persist...
1048 Words 2 Pages

Metaphysics From Aristotle’s Viewpoint

The works of Aristotle, that survived, can be sorted into four categories. The Organon, which is a set of writings that give us a rational toolkit that can be used in any scientific or philosophical study (Shields, 2015). The next one would be his theoretical work, otherwise known as his treatises, his most famous ones...
642 Words 1 Page

Importance Of Metaphysics And Immanuel Kant's Ideas Nowadays

“Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of imagination.” – Immanuel Kant My philosopher of choice is Immanuel Kant. Kant was a German philosopher and thinker in the early modern period (1469 – 1527). He was born and lived at a time in the history of western Philosophy when two schools of thought, namely...
917 Words 2 Pages

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