Essays on Modern Technology

AGV Robots: Purpose And Impact

What is an AGV robot? An AGV robot stands for an automatic guided vehicle. It is also described as an industrial truck, the AGV robot is an automated vehicle which means that it can lead its directions and doesn’t need to have a driver like others. The AGV robot travels on the wires on the...
839 Words 2 Pages

Issue Of Competitiveness: Robotics Versus Human Workers

In recent years, we have seen jobs that were done by people being completed by machines and robots. A lot of people are asking “when will it stop, will robots and machines replace humans in the workplace and what jobs will be left?”. Looking into the future there is a very high chance that people’s...
1308 Words 3 Pages

Cloud Computing: Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Models

Abstract This article describes cloud computing, its key features, and the models that are currently used for both deployment and delivery. It examines the benefits and business issues of using the cloud, and how they can be solved. It describes some of the beginners of cloud computing, as well as their experiences. Keywords: Cloud Computing,...
2020 Words 4 Pages

Artificial Intelligence Software Based On Real Life Example

Introduction According to the cognitive scientist Marvin Minsky, one of the field’s most famous practitioners, AI is “ the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if done by men”. AI software It is such software that is capable of intelligent behavior. If we want to create this type of intelligent software,...
874 Words 2 Pages

Human And Robots: The Impact Of Robots On Human Life

These last few decades have seen significant advances in robotics, and the impacts of this progress on the society are still being evacuated. Over many years, scientists have been working on developing machines that display human intelligence and they called that ‘Artificial Intelligence’. According to Jake Frankenfield, an editor specialized in technology, ‘Artificial intelligence (AI)...
2710 Words 6 Pages

Robots: Types And History

A very short history of robots Robots of inventions are changing the world at the drop of a hat. There is no surprise that they made their way to people’s lives. Humankind has been fascinated by the idea of artificial intelligence for ages. A robot is a machine that is capable of doing complex actions....
1111 Words 2 Pages

Smart Glass Using Organic Light Emitting Diode: A Headmounted Intelligent Device

Abstract— Recent developments in smart technology have en- chanced human life. Among its smart glass is the wearable handsfree, head-mounted intelligent device, performing computing activities with help of Augmented reality which involves the incorporation of computer graphics onto physical objects.It includes active data collection and data processing which made machine to human interaction possible in...
2247 Words 5 Pages
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