Essays on Mongoose

Impact Of Human Infrastructure And Human Disturbances On Mammalian Predator Communities: Mongoose

Introduction Human infrastructure and disturbances can negatively affect the behaviour and activities of terrestrial mammals such as the invasive small Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus). commonly known as mongoose. One aspect of human infrastructure is physical infrastructure, which refers to the standard physical structures needed for an economy to function and survive (e.g., transportation networks, power...
1377 Words 3 Pages

Small Indian Mongoose: The Example Of Invasive Species

Across the world, animals are going extinct or becoming critically endangered. One main reason for this is the introduction of invasive species in the habitats of these animals. An invasive species is any living organism that is not native to an environment and causes harm to endemic fauna (“Invasive Species”). Invasive species are one of...
625 Words 1 Page

Loss Of Biodiversity In Fiji Due To Invasive Species And/or Introduces Species: Mongoose

Abstract: Acquiring the understanding on the devices that sustain introduced species their environmental fitness as crucial to Fiji islands are the main aspect to approaching their effects on the loss of biological diversity. Introduction of species that happened on Fiji islands are harmful and indicates that their escalate environmental impacts by misusing natural ecological roles....
2234 Words 5 Pages
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