Essays on Music Therapy

Importance Of Music Therapy On Adolescents

A. Physical (Biological) Processes The findings of this result indicate that both participants have the same impacts of music in the health and lifestyle of the adolescents in physical processes questions. It shows that both participant influence their emotion through the use of music and help them to relive their mood or when they’re sick....
1111 Words 2 Pages

Developing And Importance Of Music Therapy

During the last decade, health care has significantly evolved to include an even wider variety of aspects of the patient’s physical and mental health. Upon evolving, the demand for various specialties within the field grew as well, one of which bloomed right after World War I and II, music therapy. Using musical elements, such as...
545 Words 1 Page

Music Therapy For Autistic Children

In the State of Utah, 1 in 54 children have been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder, which is the largest rate of autism in the nation (Bilder). At this rate, 17,269 of the 932,526 children in the State of Utah have autism (U.S. Census Bureau). Not every child has the means necessary to receive medical...
2171 Words 5 Pages
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