Essays on Music

Critical Analysis Of Articles Black Music That Isn’t Either And Black Empires, White Desires: The Spatial Politics of Identity in the Age of Hip-Hop

Thought paper Rap has always been characterized as music for African Americans. Although it was started in the Bronx, with a primarily black audience, it quickly spread across the country gaining interest from all races. The culture of hip-hop led to negative stereotypes of African Americans living in urban neighborhoods. The media portrayed rap as...
983 Words 2 Pages

Evolution Of Rap Music

Rapping is a form of music that incorporates rhyme and street vernacular over a backing beat or musical instruments. Rap is a very old word but undeniably one of the most popular genres to date. Initially, especially in the 15th and 16th century in Britain, the word meant to strike or hit but over the...
882 Words 2 Pages

Concert Review Of The 2019 Metis Ireland Festival Concert

The concert that I went to was the 2019 Metis Ireland Festival Concert. The concert was held in Bunratty Castle Hotel on the 19th of January 2019 at 8.00 p.m. and was part of the annual Shannonside Winter Music Festival, which is held every year in the villages of Bunratty and Sixemilebridge. The concert was...
1127 Words 2 Pages

The Link Between Rap Music And Violence

First and foremost, society today is one of continual progression. If one were to look at the various aspects of life, say communication, philosophy, technology, etc. they would notice that these areas continue to develop as our species continues to advance through learning and experience. Though it can both be seen and understood that multitudinous...
1021 Words 2 Pages

Electric Guitar As The Backbone Of Rock And Roll

Music wouldn’t be the same as it is today without the electric guitar. I became interested in this topic since my father regularly plays 80’s rock-and-roll songs with these extravagant electric guitar solos. Electric guitar advanced music to a technological era, giving musicians a new abstract way of playing music by creating their own unique...
1601 Words 4 Pages

Music in Sacred Spaces: Listening Report

The piece of music that I chose is a hymn titled “The Old Rugged Cross”, composed by evangelist, George Bennard in Michigan in 1912. Originally performed by Bennard himself, “The old Rugged Cross” became a staple in services pertaining to the Revival of Jesus Christ. In the attached rendition, country music artist, Alan Jackson, performs...
559 Words 1 Page

Baroque Music: Importance of Reconstructing Early Opera

Critical Analysis Paper for Completing the Picture: the Importance of Reconstructing Early Opera Frans and Julie Muller identified the primary challenges associated with the reconstruction of early opera performances. The importance of these reconstructions could hardly be questioned as they may shed light on the complexity, meaning, perception, and impact of the early opera performances....
776 Words 2 Pages

Jazz Video Concert Critiques

Introduction Jazz music has the melodious sound effects which have all the elements of music including harmony on the notes which are the sound fuller. It also has a rhythm which is considered as a heartbeat of the soundtrack. This paper aimed to discuss the reflections of three different concerts in which certain points are...
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