My Mother: My Role Model and Best Friend

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A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stand in its path is me. I consider myself one of the luckiest people on earth, due to the fact I was fortunate enough to enjoy a mother’s love and nevertheless due to this day. The worst aspect that can ever show up to a man or woman is now not to journey what it feels to be loved with the aid of his/her mother. A mother’s love can by no means be expressed with words, it can only be felt, and it is the most stunning aspect on earth. If God’s love is at the highest peak, then a mother’s love for her infant is slightly underneath it, if not next to it. My mother is the most vital character in my life. My mom and I have this natural bond together that I’m sure to exist between moms and their children. I cannot explain it but when she is around, I feel safe. My mom is sincere and trustworthy. Never once in my life have, I ever heard my mother tell a lie, without a reason as to why she said aa lie. She always says the truth no matter what the situation is. The worst thing to my mother is seeing us sad and upset; she would do anything in her power to see us happy and full of joy.

Another great trait of my mother is that she is very friendly and welcoming. People are continually attracted to her nice vibe and jovial nature. She does not fake to smile to try to impress people for the wrong reasons. If she likes you, she will go out of her way to make you feel special. She is very slow to anger however, even if she is angered, she will try to control her tongue. When we fight, she’s tired and we get into a fight and sometimes she can’t control her words. After our fight, we reconciled, and she says sorry that she said those mean things. She always reminds us, words hurt people. Words are like feathers that have been blown away by the wind, you can’t get it back once they flew away. My mom is very generous. She extends an assisting hand to every person who needs it, she is the type that will use the right hand to assist you with the left hand knowing. She does not help people publicly for the whole world to see, she does it from the heart, without expecting something in return. Coming from a humble background, she is familiar with what it feels like to go hungry ad she will do whatever it helps everyone, consisting of strangers. She is a very strong woman, ever since my dad died, she must work two jobs to help our family here and in the Philippines. She was really depressed and wanted to kill herself because my dad left her. It was a really hard time for her, but she realized that my brother and I are waiting for her, so she worked hard to get us here in Saudi Arabia.

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My mom is a person you can rely on, if she stays, she will do something, be rest assured that she is going to do it. There are no shortcuts to her when she promises something. She loves the truth no matter how disheartening it may be. The thing that I did in my body was really disheartening to her because losing your kid, hurt more than losing some other relative. She is also a great counselor. She is a good listener and will lend you her ear if you need it, without judging you. For example, I was fighting with my mom because I always use my phone, she suddenly grabbed my arm with fresh wounds then is when she saw my scars, she asked where it’s from, I told her that I have cut myself because I feel worthless and useless. She told me with crying eyes, “Why would you do something like that? I brought you to this world to grow and not to end your life. Mary Anne, your brother and I will always be here. I don’t want to see those scars. I love you to too much, I can’t handle my only girl to die, I already lost your dad I can’t afford to lose you too. So, please stop this. We will help you.” She changed the way that I look at life. I relied on her and now I’m getting better and think about the positive things than the negative side. This is the main reason she is my best friend. Prayer is part and parcel of her life and she still prays today. My mom is born and raised a catholic, my mom ensures that Sunday devotion was mandatory for all of us. She would pray in the morning, at dinner time and before she slept. She is hardworking. My mom didn’t come from a wealthy family. She had to work her way up, through sheer will and hard work. She stressed the importance of sticking together as a family. She hated when we fought like siblings and she would discipline us thoroughly, even if it broke her heart. Most importantly, she ensures the whole family gets together every holiday because it’s very important.

Therefore, I will forever be grateful to God for giving me such a wonderful mother. She is my role model and I will mold my life to be like hers. In my eyes, she is the embodiment of perfect motherhood and she is the standard that I will forever strive to achieve. She may be harsh on words, but she always helped us to think about the words that we are going to say before saying it. She is a good counselor and the person that I can rely on. She taught me that I should always pay back what she did to me because she’s the one who changed my life in a good way. She advised me to look at life from another perspective. She taught me to always pay their kindness back. She also taught me to always rely on her and on God because they will always be here. She taught me to work harder to have a peaceful life in the future. I am proud that I am her daughter.


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