Negative Influence Of Video Games: Addiction And Violence

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Violence has always affected the way people view the world throughout their daily lives. It makes people scared and can cause everlasting damage. Children of this decade are seemingly turning towards more violent and graphic gameplay for their pleasure. Due to this uprising of gruesome video gaming, children along with the video games are becoming more violent and aggressive. The concern around the dilemma is one of the most controversial topics of the decade and continues to keep people wondering what problems these graphic games can cause to the generations to come. Overall, the effects of violent videogames on children and adolescents is detrimental by exposing youth to violence, by distracting students from their school work and ruining socialization skills. These games psychologically is taking a toll on the youth’s minds; Children are conducting in violent actions, which will determine the fate of their future.

For instance violent video games are exposing the youth to violence. The two gunmen in the columbine shooting were reportedly frequent players of violent video games. When the video games have a point of view in it and the players can actually interact with the game it involves killing. They are actually doing the action it might spark up something inside of them to them go on and do it in real life. The mentality that all of the violence is good with no consequences it can lead to the angry teens wanting to try it in real life. In addition to that, according to (Do Violent Video Games Cause Youth Violence). Additionally, gender identity is shown throughout these games multiple The characters that are getting used in these games portray women in a non realistic way that could change the perspective of a child. For example, non violent game as a control game, and used Mortal Kombat as the violent video game. In a study done there were no female characters in 41% of the games with characters. In 28% of these, women portrayed as sex objects. Nearly 80% of the games included aggression or violence as part of the strategy or object. While 27% of the games contained socially acceptable aggression, nearly half included violence directed specifically at others and 21% depicted violence directed. The rush that children get while playing these games is truly extraordinary because the adrenaline that these kids get just by killing people or killing zombies and what not.(“The Effect of Videogames on Student Achievement”.).

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Furthermore, children are beginning to abandon their school work and obtain poor academic performance. Video games aren’t a magical pill for boosting IQ. It may put youth at a higher risk for poor reading performance. Frequent use of multiplayer games associated with a “steep reduction in achievement.”. Over two-thirds of the US population aged 13 and high now consider themselves gamers . They become so intrigued that there’s nothing that can take them off unless they get mad enough at the game. These kids attention span in class is decreasing as well as these kids skipping the class period because they just don’t want to be there due to the amount of screen time that they have had when playing the games. “These games can act like caffeine to young children making it likely to cause nightmares and difficulty sleeping or also fighting with sleep because they want to win in the game. This may not seem like a significant reduction but REM plays an important part in helping us remember content we learnt that day so for adolescents in their final years of school who are revising for exams winding down at night with a video game might not be the best idea” (“Single Player vs. Multiplayer: Why Single Player Is Superior.” ).

Moreover, all of this game play is ruining socialization skills in adolescents and in adults as well. Video games are addictive and its becoming a serious problem. When playing these games they get to choose whether they want to play alone or not. Kids would rather play on there own thinking that other people as in there friends don’t know how to play. Multiplayer mode just frustrates the youth even more.When playing multiplayer the youth starts to yell through the mic and it still makes them want to keep going; Single player games allow for much richer character growth and interactions.

In essence, no one knows what the future will hold for children nor the graphic video games they decide to play. These video games are corrupting youth and their psychs; Seemingly over time they will cause more destruction than good. Seeking adrenaline is what these gamers look for inorder to fulfil their psychological desires and be able to obtain gratification. Whether these games are making it difficult for children to socialize, pay attention in school or causing damage to their minds, violent video gaming overall is detrimental to any adolescent. Although there is much to discover about the gaming universe, humans will always wonder what makes a child’s mental state go rogue after experimenting with a violent video game.


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