Essays on Peace

Opinion Essay: Impossibility of World Peace

Ankush Rawat said “the sad truth is that, a world with peace and harmony only exists in dreams.” World Peace is a very controversial topic to discuss. World Peace cannot be achieved by humans in a million lifetimes. There are three reasons why world peace is virtually impossible. Firstly, governments will always fight for control...
802 Words 2 Pages

War, Peace and Terrorism: Critical Analysis

If somebody talks about war and peace now a day, they have to talk about terrorism too. After a lot of terrorism attacks and wars a lot of question are arisen such as is terrorism an act of war or is there a war against terrorism. Another question is why is it so hard for...
1669 Words 4 Pages

Religion and Concept of Peace: Christianity Versus Judaism

Peace is the ideal state of tranquility, barren of dispute. Eirene, meaning Peace in Christianity, alludes to a sense of wellbeing and serenity. Christianity establishes that peace is made possible through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Christian PrincipalTeachings of Jesus is the Prince of Peace, Agape, the Divinepeace of God and...
2412 Words 5 Pages

Theory and Prospects of Perpetual Peace: Analytical Essay

Introduction First of all, lets determine the very meaning of peace. One could say that peace is the absence of war, but, though one would not be entirely wrong, peace is rather the absence of any sort of conflict or premeditated intent thereof. World peace is a state that humanity has been trying to achieve...
1998 Words 4 Pages

Definition of the Concept of Inner Peace: Opinion Essay

What is Peace; Concept of Inner Peace In a world of conflict and violence, what is truly the definition of peace? Peace to me means being at unity with yourself, which can lead to a peaceful mindset through difficult times and hardships. Having inner peace and giving yourself the ability to accept yourself is very...
924 Words 2 Pages

Peace Making Approach to Criminology: Analytical Essay

Criminology deals with law enforcement and justice system how it works. Louis Gesualdi wrote a book on Peace making Approach to Criminology which focuses on solutions to deal with offenders rather than punishing them or sentencing them to death. The reason for writing the book was to propose to the law in a peaceful way...
850 Words 2 Pages

Effects of Football on Peace Building in a Conflicted Society

Introduction In a world full of conflicts and differences in values, interests and beliefs between ethical groups, a development of solutions for peace- and community building is getting increasingly necessary. One solution which has a small but important impact on peace building is the use of sport. Therefore, the application of sport as a device...
1395 Words 3 Pages

The Concept of Peace: An African Perspective

Introduction According to Johan Galtung, peace seems to be an umbrella concept, a general expression of human desires, of that which is good, that which is ultimately to be pursued . He for instance stated that there are two typologies of Peace-Positive and negative peace. For him, the negative peace is the absence of violence,...
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