Essays on Peace

Violence and Peace-Making in Chimps and Bonobos: Analytical Essay

Human history is characterized by violence, war, and conflict. One glance in the news will display countless headlines of tragedy and crime. However, it is important to emphasize that humans are capable of violence, not outright violent altogether. If we were ceaselessly violent, the human species would not have lasted as long as it has....
1305 Words 3 Pages

Gandhian Peace Education for the Existence of Human Civilization

The development of human civilization is not measured through the buildings he has fabricated, the roads it has laid down, bridges which has constructed by the human resources; rather it is measured through a well-defined system of education. In the absence of proper education, the civilization can develop too much little. Education is, therefore, more...
2824 Words 6 Pages

The Atomic Bomb: Harbinger of Peace and Destruction

Global tensions rose in 1945 at the height of WWII. Germany surrendered in May, but the Japanese firmly stood their ground, propelled by a strong sense of pride and militaristic empire. With the shadow of Pearl Harbor looming over many Americans and a fear of continuing bloodshed, a decision had to be made regarding the...
1210 Words 3 Pages

Use of Sport for Development and Peace: Critical Analysis

Sport has huge potential to impact social change. At its most basic, sport can significantly improve mental and physical health as well as teaching essential social skills and values. When harnessed properly, sport can easily have the power to unifying people, cultures and entire nations. The reason that sport plays such an important role in...
2422 Words 5 Pages

Ways to Find Inner Peace in Life and Yourself: Opinion Essay

Introduction What is inner peace? How can I find my inner peace and ultimate happiness within? These are questions that many people ask themselves over and over. Truthfully, inner peace is one of the most valuable things that people are in search of today. It simply is the sense of harmony and emotional fulfillment in...
2280 Words 5 Pages

Gender, Peace and International Law: Localising the Women, Peace and Security Agenda

“War? Don’t speak to me of war! My daily life is battlefield enough.” [1: quote from Cynthia Cockburn 2004, 43] Feminist theorisation on war, militarisation and peace has foregrounded a “continuum of violence” in women’s lives.[footnoteRef:2] Rejecting simplified binaries of war and peace, prewar and postwar, feminist scholarship argues that women continue to experience violence...
3649 Words 8 Pages
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