Peculiarities Of Urbanization

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Introduction- Urbanization is the term that comes from geography. Urban is the Latin word that means the city. Urbanization means that lifestyle that is common in the cities and becomes prevailing. The change that occurs in the behavior of rural areas is known as functional urbanization.

Urbanization people move from rural to urban areas and the rural area population decrease and society adapt to this change. Urbanizations is the process of urban growth which leads to a greater proportion of people being concentrated in towns and cities. When the population of people grows, the population of a place may spill over from the city to nearby areas called urbanization. Urbanization describes both increases in the percent of the population that line in cities as well as increases in the size of those cities. People have moved from the urban area to the rural area due to various reasons including job and for a better lifestyle .urbanization is a natural part of the developing society but it has its a downside as well. In urbanization increase in population, lack of housing, pollution, disease, and competition for jobs.5o percent of the world population lives In the city. Due to the growth of the world population about 2.5 billion people added to the urban population in 2050 mainly people add to urban areas in Africa and Asia. Due to the urbanization increasing number of the peoples, that’s life in the towns and the cities. The changes that occurred in the population also change in land use, economic activities, and change culture .urban living is linked with the high level of literacy and education, better health, lower fertility, and social services, and improve the opportunities of culture.

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History of urbanization: At the beginning of urbanization can be traced back to the Renaissance times in the 16th Century. The Turkish assaults resulted in the movement of the Christians from the east to the western European countries as a results trade grew and the European cities along the coasts developed greatly. A further boost up for urbanization was created with the arrival of the’ industries revolution, the population of the European cities and USA start to increase significantly in the 18th and 19th centuries. However, urbanization starts in Asia only in the half of the 20th century in Africa when the countries obtained independence from colonial rule. Urbanization shift of population from rural to the urban living cities. Occurred alongside industrialization. London as a prime example: 1800: 1.1 million people ; 1900 :> 7 million peoples The united states: 1800 :< 10 % urban 2010: approximately 80% urban.Urbanization within the world: These days as compared to the Asian and African countries, like the USA and the United Kingdom have a better urbanization level. Economic forces helped to find factories and staff within the cities. In the USA five- percent of the population lived within the cities in 1800. And in 1920 fifty percent of the population lived within the cities. In comparison solely seventeen point eight percent of the population of the collection societies lived in cities in 1950. But in 2000 the proportion had been will increase to forty-percent. And in 2030 the proportion is expected to extend to sixty percent. Australia is that the most urbanized country in the world. Each the rates and level of urbanization in Australia square measure high.

Define; urbanization is the growth of the towns in human numbers which led directly to the expansion of the town limit. Urbanization is a contributing factor to the city’s growth. The growth of industries and service sectors is rapid. People are moving rapidly in search of a job.


Due to the urbanization changes in a function as a settlement from the rural to the characters of the urban area. These changes developed to the increase in the population of the urban areas. It causes increases in the physical size of the town. Examples of the modern urban areas are New York, London praise, Moscow, Lagos, Enugu, Pretoria, etc. Demographic trend: large size of the population group, and high rate of natural increases in the migration. Economically developed: The manufacturing service center to be found that have an important in a continental regional level and key nodes in the global trading systems. Culture and social status: Culture facilities attract foreign investments. Political importance: The capital cities benefit from the high level of investment and infrastructure activities.

Interesting facts regarding urbanization:

Currently over three.3 billion peoples board the cities and cities; the amount is anticipated to grow to five billion by 2030. Over eighty percent of this growth can accrue to Asia and the African continent. In two thousand thirty 30 so regarding 2 % of the planet population lived in urban areas. In exactly two hundred years, the planet’s urban population has increased from two percent to almost fifty percent of all peoples. The population of Chicago greater than before the fifteen individuals to regarding twenty million, within a very duration of seventy-eight years.

Urbanization Socio culture impacts:

Cities have a strong socio-cultural impact on their surrounding rural areas. The mass media depicts city life as superior to rural life the” standard “languages are deemed that of the national capital and better services are received in the city due to the wealth. National symbols and values are generally more evident in urban areas than the rural areas since they attempt to bind otherwise isolated city dwellers. The fertility rate in the cities is often lower than in the rural areas due to the absence of agriculture, the cost of children, food and living space in cities, and family planning. 


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