Essays on Philosophical Concept

Truth As A Religious And Moral Concept

‘Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’ John 8:32. Truth can be defined as the true or actual state of a matter and or a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like. Thinking of a meaning of truth falls under the control of epistemology or the investigation...
1162 Words 3 Pages

Truth, Its Individual Perceptions And Interpretations

Truth is a notion that is in constant debate over many centuries since we tend to have our own truths in life. Many people believe that truth is absolute and independent, while some others disagree, saying that truth is relative. I believe that truth varies from individuals and their differentiating perceptions of beliefs and decisions....
415 Words 1 Page

Applying Subjectivism To The Assessment Of Moral Statements

A key question we have come across in philosophy is whether or not moral statements can be considered objectively true or false rather than subjectively true or false. Objective truths are declarations that are universally true and independent of human psychology and opinion. In other words, the Earth will always revolve around the sun regardless...
820 Words 2 Pages

Locke's And Hume's Views On Self And Personal Identity

Introduction In the 17th and 18th century Britain had a diverse number of philosophers especially the Platonist kind. However, as scientific innovation became advanced modern philosophy began to encounter a shift. This was a paradigm shift that acknowledged that knowledge was gained primarily through the five senses. The foundation for obtaining knowledge was anchored in...
1364 Words 3 Pages

Defining Human: The Difference Between Human And Non-human Nature

The aim of this essay is to focus and expansively explore the human and animal nature based on what does it mean to be human or animal and most important what distinguishes the human from the non-human, which in this case are the animals, furthermore, developing a dangerous idea deduced from the question above. Many...
3291 Words 7 Pages

Defining The Truth: A Variety Of Interpretations

In his Metaphysics, Aristotle stated: ‘To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true’. If we are to propose a question: ‘What is truth?’ in...
781 Words 2 Pages

The Notions Of Truth And Power In Foucault's Views On Society

So far in class, we have focused primarily on the work of Michel Foucault, a 20th century French philosopher. We have read excerpts from Discipline and Punish, Society Must be Defended, and Abnormal, all of which were written by Foucault. Over the course of reading the excerpts, I noticed that two themes have repeatedly appeared:...
1534 Words 3 Pages

Philosophical Interpretation Of The Mind-body Problem

Rene Descartes, a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist, commonly referred to as the “Father of modern philosophy” was one of the pioneers in trying to understand the philosophy of the mind. His idea of Cartesian Dualism: the belief that the whole world divides into two completely different metaphysical realms, the physical realm of extended material...
1443 Words 3 Pages
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