Essays on Philosophical Works

Euthyphro Dilemma: My Personal View On The Presented Propositions

Euthyphro’s Dilemma is an ancient dilemma posed by Greek philosopher Socrates to Athenian prophet Euthyphro in the dialogue Euthyphro recorded by Plato. The dilemma first arose in a conversation between the two as Euthyphro was taking his father to court. When Socrates stopped to ask him why he was taking his father, Euthyphro replied explaining...
1198 Words 3 Pages

Plato's Theory Of Forms As Reflected In His Writings

Overtime Plato’s theory has impact many individuals in today’s modern society in the way one reasons about the world. Perhaps one of his most influential contributions to philosophy is the theory of forms. Plato’s theory of forms indicates that the material world isn’t necessarily the true universe rather, there is absolute reality outside our materialistic...
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Freud's And Mark's Views On Civilization And Roots Of Human Aggression

Philosophers have tried to decipher what the root of human aggression is and possible solutions. Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud both have discussed their theories in their works. The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx, in an attempt to outline his theories on the ideal civilization including abolishing private property and publicizing everything. In...

The Assessment Of Marx’s Communism And Its Flaws

Karl Marx, in his composition ​Manifesto of the Communist Party​, illustrates the downfall of capitalist society and provides evidence upon why communism is the optimal form of government. Marx claims that the association between social classes is dependent on the means of production. In the long run, the means of production leads to the formation...

Marx's And Weber's Social Theories: A Comparative Analysis

Introduction Marx and Weber are both recognised in society today for their contribution to the field of sociology and are often termed the principle founders of sociology for their outstanding work. Both theorists were interested in economics and how society functions under certain economic conditions and situations, and most importantly, how society came about being...

Socrates And The Knowledge Of Forms: Phaedo Analysis

Plato’s writings on Socrates’s day in court and, eventually, his judgment and death reveal a unique, yet controversial approach to the idea of the dual existence of form and appearances. Socrates held lengthy discussions concerning the topic where he provides various arguments to explain his thinking to his associates. Primarily, the ability of forms to...
1597 Words 4 Pages

On First Understanding Plato’s Republic: Critical Analysis

Description of the article Some articles can completely change the thought process of human beings regarding a particular topic. In this article, various ideas and viewpoints have been shared regarding age, social influences, characters of the human mind, and personal experiences through which ideas can be evolved. Philosophy is an active ingredient of the mind...
608 Words 1 Page

Nichomachean Ethics: My Opinion Essay

Desire is a want or something people believe they need, it can cloud their judgment and make them think that their only true happiness will come from their desire. Instead of happiness, eudaimonia is a better word to describe the ultimate desire as happiness is a blanket term that cannot fully describe how people feel....
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Phaedo: Dialogue About The Existence Of Soul

This text in Phaedo questions the existence of the soul. This topic has been discussed across the Hindu religion as well as in Buddhism. It is supposed to give answers about the existence of the soul and questions related to it. Socrates at his time of death reveals some answers to Phaedo. Phaedo is later...
935 Words 2 Pages
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