Essays on Philosophy of Education

Philosophy Of Education: Definition And Theoretical Issues

As a simple definition, the philosophy of education is a philosophy about education and it’s aims (Hamm, 1989). While Cahn (2009) and Peters (2010) argue that the philosophy of education is merely the study of historical philosophers and the critical examination of their ideas of the aims of education, Oancea and Bridges (2009) and Allen...
1703 Words 4 Pages

Philosophy Of Education: Comparative Analysis Of Theories

Educational philosophy refers to a teacher’s vision of the purpose of education and its role in society. It focus on what teachers should teach and how they relate their values and beliefs to teaching. Philosophy of education examines the goals, methods and meaning of teaching. Al-Farabi: Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Muhammad Al-Farabi is widely known...
1620 Words 4 Pages

Philosophy Of Education: John Dewey, Al-ghazali And Al-farabi

Philosophical Perspectives of Education The word philosophy came from two Greek words ‘Phileo’ (love) and ‘Sophia’ (wisdom). This literally means love of wisdom. It tells something about the nature of philosophy at some extent, because many disciplines find it from wisdom. The word Education came from (Latin) educare ‘brings up’, which is related to educere...
3388 Words 7 Pages

Malaysia’s National Philosophy Of Education

‘Education in Malaysia is a constant effort and hard work within the direction to pursue and furthermore expanding the potential of individuals in an exceedingly holistic and combined approach, with the intention to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and socially balanced and harmonious, based on a strong faith in religious beliefs and...
767 Words 2 Pages
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