Essays on Philosophy

Influence Of Reality Television On Moral Standards

Reality television shows impose fake moral standards that are detrimental to human beings. Most people tend to watch television at night before they go to bed. More than likely, they are watching a reality TV show because nine out of ten shows that are produced are in the category of reality. Even though most people...

Natural Law: Analysis Of Scientific Laws And Theories

When one observes a specific observation in the world, this can be boiled down to a scientific law. These scientific laws do not supply explanations for why these phenomena happens or why it even occurs in our world, they just state the event that is, in fact, occurring. For instance, Newton’s Law of Universal Gravity...
1304 Words 3 Pages

The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli Versus Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King

I. Introduction Martin Luther King and Niccolò Machiavelli could not be further apart in their ideologies on political violence. King is historically lauded as a nonviolent champion, while Machiavelli is known for his ruthless advocacy for violence if it means achieving political success. While King had large, seemingly-unattainable goals for the future of race relations,...
2017 Words 4 Pages

Abortion: Virtue Ethics and Duty Ethics Ideas

Introduction I will discuss in this paper how Virtue Ethics and Duty Ethics are the two theories that we should live by in order to be morally successful. We will also explore the “behind the scenes” of what both of these theories mean. Ethics alone refers to what is morally right and what is morally...
1899 Words 4 Pages

Animal Ethics: Human Versus Animals

I wanted to talk about a different aspect to animals, different from the presentation we did. Certain animals are picked to be loved and not to be harmed and kind of why certain animals are chosen this way even though all animals feel pain just like us humans. . Like when comes to family, many...

Descartes Opinion Concerning Soul

Descartes was recommended by M. Pollot to Elisabeth assuring her of his goodwill toward everyone and in particularly her. So Elisabeth writes to Descartes in a letter petitioning him to answer something she cannot understand, she asks how the soul of man can determine the spirits of the body to produce voluntary actions. She wants...
389 Words 1 Page
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