Essays on Police

The Notions Of Police Culture

The notions of police culture, in simple terms refers to the ‘values shared by colleagues in an organisation, which becomes apparent through the occupational practices within that environment.’ This is surrounded by morals, attitudes, and beliefs, encouraging certain ways in which they behave within the police force. Many academics, determined that this is based on...
2878 Words 6 Pages

The Problem Of Police Brutality

Racial profiling and police brutality have been happening for centuries and continues to happen today currently. Research has proven that people of color get treated differently and people stereotype others by their skin color. People judge others by racial profiling them by their ethnicity, studies have shown that this has lead to a negative impact...
1911 Words 4 Pages

Responsibilities Of Police Officers

Abstract For my term paper I’m going to write about the responsibilities and the life of a police officer. I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to write about because there are so many different topics in the criminal justice field that interests me and that I would have loved to research and...
1236 Words 3 Pages

Importance of Issues of Diversity to Police Operational Practice

This essay aims to examine the various ways in which issues of diversity are important to police operational practice. Over the years, the police force in the United Kingdom has always faced stigmatisation, particularly in regards to race relations. Typically, the UK police force mainly constituted white males. Gaddis and Ghoshal (2019) note that most...
1605 Words 4 Pages

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