Essays on Political Economy

Ideas of Adam Smith and Karl Marx to Understand Capitalistic Economies

Much has changed since Adam Smith and Karl Marx first postulated ideas on capitalist economic systems. First, was Smith, interested in groups maximizing self-interests, which ideally maintained that state at an equilibrium indefinitely. Consequential academia comes to both compliment and clash with Smith’s theories and approaches, both directly and indirectly. Nowhere is this more evident...

Theory of Marxism Versus Capitalism: Comparative Essay

Marxism give us two critical and classical approach to understanding international relations. The critical approach in the sense that always got to inquire about the conventional policy determined methodologies to IR theory and classical approach as the logical and sociological traditions of its name holder the philosopher Karl Marx( 1818- 1883). In fact Marxism is...
1599 Words 4 Pages

Unemployment Determinants in Europe: Analytical Essay

In many Central and Eastern European Countries, high unemployment level is still regarded as one of the main agendas for policy makers. A lot of effort has been put into determining the reasons for unemployment in this region to develop policies and structures to decrease its level (Pesliakaitė, 2016). The demand for labor is inversely...
857 Words 2 Pages

Marx’s Issues Concerning Capitalism: Critical Analysis

Marxism is one of the world’s most influential ideologies, having massive social impacts on many areas of the word, including the discipline of geography (Peet,2015). Marxist geography, a perspective of human geography which first came on to the scene in the 1960s, focuses in on the ways in which the production of space and place...
1143 Words 3 Pages

A Review Of World Bank Report On Electrification And Women’s Empowerment Evidence From Rural India

Abstract This World Bank report on Electrification and Women’s Empowerment Evidence from Rural India investigates the causal link between electricity access and women’s empowerment, using a large gender-disaggregated data set on India. Empowerment is measured by women’s decision-making ability, mobility, financial autonomy, reproductive freedom, and social participation. Using propensity score matching, the study finds that...
1795 Words 4 Pages

Precarious Employment And The Impacts On Individual’s Wellbeing

In this essay I will focus on the topic of what precarious employment is and the impacts it has on individual’s wellbeing. As work is central to an individual’s life, it is essential that people are treated fairly in their workplace. Jobs that subject workers to uncertain work contracts with low and unstable income while...
1692 Words 4 Pages

Effects Of Public Debt On Financing Of Social Welfare Programs: Literature Review

Introduction This chapter entails reviewing of theoretical and empirical literature on the effect of public debt on social welfare programs in Kenya, a conceptual frame work on dependent, independent and intervening variables. The chapter also expounds on the research gap by showing how the study deviates from previous studies reviewed in empirical literature. Theoretical Review...
3681 Words 8 Pages
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