Essays on Pollution

Environmental Degradation: Critical Appraisal Of Air Pollution

Introduction How long will humans keep up with a careless attitude until planet Earth gives up? The desire to have an easier life has led to overproduction and consumerism, creating solutions that devastate the only place in the universe called “home”. Environmental degradation has been increasing over the years in high-income countries (HICs) and developing...
2372 Words 5 Pages

Environmental Pollution in Latin America

Latin America is a group of countries in the Western Hemisphere where Spanish, Portuguese, French and other Romance languages are spoken. It is also known as Hispanic America. Some countries include Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Peru, Guatemala, Ecuador, Cuba, Bolivia, Haiti, Honduras, Paraguay, etc,. It consists of twenty sovereign states and Spanish several...

The Dangers Of Environmental Pollution

We remove about 55 billion tons of fossil energy, metals, minerals, and biomass every year from the Earth. Pollution is a major problem in various places around the world. It can contaminate our soil, drinking water, air, oil, and much more. That could result in less clean air, water, and food. Although environmental degradation has...
406 Words 1 Page

Environmental Pollution In India: Land, Water And Air Pollution

Abstract: The word pollution refers to the introduction of contaminants (pollutants) into the environment and having an adverse effect on it. This paper shall focus on how environmental pollution affects us. In this paper we will discuss mainly about three different types of pollution that are land pollution, water pollution and air pollution. This paper...
2522 Words 6 Pages

Effect Of Covid-19 On Water And Soil Pollution

Since we are aware of the impact coronavirus has on the earth’s temperature caused indirectly by the decrease of industrial and transport activities, we will research the interconnectedness of water and climate change. As a result of this pandemic, the drop in CO2 levels, causing a proportional fall in the temperature of the earth, had...
2327 Words 5 Pages

Environmental Issues In Pakistan: Major Forms Of Pollution

Pollution is a substance that has destructive or harmful impacts in or presented to the earth. Certain major forms of pollution exist. Which can have detrimental effects on life. These are air pollution, pollution by noise, emissions by water. Air exposure is an enormous risk factor for numerous diseases linked to pollution including respiratory diseases,...
2676 Words 6 Pages

Plastic Pollution: Ways To Solve The Problem

Nowadays plastic has polluted our society due to its availability with an enormous amount everywhere. The more noteworthy our propensity to fabricate and utilize plastics the more prominent the release is essentially for the aggregation of plastic waste in our condition, which unfavorably influences life, and homegrown plants in human lifestyles. Plastic goes about as...
1182 Words 3 Pages

Fertilisers and Nutrient Pollution: Analytical Essay

Introduction and Importance In modern agriculture, chemical fertilisers are increasingly significant to food security, which is related to sustainability concerns in society. Chemical fertilisers are artificial compounds produced from non-renewable sources with the exact ratio of nutrients required by plants. With the burgeoning global population, using fertilisers is an effective way of decreasing harvesting time...
2193 Words 5 Pages

Pollution: Influence of Environment on Health

Q: Air pollution is one of today’s biggest issues facing the world. What are its problems and what measures can be suggested to resolve this issue? Title: Pollution: Health and Environment In recent days, people have a big amount of issues because of air pollution. Pollution is main problem for worldwide. Many kinds of pollutants...
1317 Words 3 Pages

Causes, Consequences And Solutions Of Marine Pollution In Australia

Introduction Marine pollution refers to the harmful effects caused by the artificial entry of harmful chemicals or particles into our oceans from human activities such as agricultural or industrial, causing the increase in, and spread of invasive materials into our oceans. The effect of pollution on our oceans is detrimental, creating garbage patches that are...
2797 Words 6 Pages
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