Essays on Pollution

Sources Sea Pollution: Endangered Species And Coral Bleaching

Oceanic pollution is an issue these days, and ocean pollution is causing our natural environment to die, you may believe that it doesn’t cause several situations, but in actual theory it does! In this inquiry, we will be notifying you about the consequences and impacts sea pollution has. How sea pollution is altering the many...
1776 Words 4 Pages

Global Distribution of Plastic Pollution

1.0- Introduction Plastic is known world-wide and has had a major impact in many lives through the simple things like plastic bags which make it easier to carry groceries and for structures and housing systems which are safe and strong. However, plastic is one of the many things effect this world today, through plastic pollution...
2179 Words 5 Pages

Forms Of Pollution: How To Reduce Pollution Output

Pollution is severely harming the Earth and yet the problem keeps growing and growing. Why? It is not because nobody cares about our planet, it is simply because not enough people really know the extent of the problem or what they can do to be a part of the solution. In order to “fix” pollution,...
1018 Words 2 Pages

Marine Plastic Pollution As A Worldwide Problem

Oceans cover about 75% of our planet, which equals to more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface. If you think about it, a lot of the resources that we need in order to survive come from this large body of water. For example, marine plants produce 70% of the air we breathe in. And the...
1490 Words 3 Pages

Air Pollution: Causes And Consequences

The human respiratory framework is a progression of organs answerable for taking in oxygen and ousting carbon dioxide. The essential organs of the respiratory framework are the lungs, which complete this trade of gases as we relax. The lungs work with the circulatory framework to siphon oxygen-rich blood to all cells in the body. The...
2143 Words 5 Pages

Pollution As A Road To Extinction: The Seriousness Of The Problem

The environment comprises all the physical, social and cultural factors and conditions influencing the existence or the development of an organism. Nowadays, life is facing a threat due to contamination of the environment. Man has steadily improved the technologies and other means necessary for higher production of wealth and for the availability of devices that...
491 Words 1 Page

Effect Of Noise Pollution On The Health Of Humans And Wildlife

Introduction: Noise pollution otherwise known as sound pollution or environmental noise can be simply defined as the propagation and spread of a lot of noise that have a negative effect on human activity and animal life. Noise pollution all over the world is majorly caused by transportation systems, transport and machines. Other causes of noise...
990 Words 2 Pages

Heavy Metal Analysis In Summer Season

Heavy Metal Analysis In present study we have observed that In case Agriculture zone the maximum pH concentration 8.6 is detected in sample-3 summer season and minimum pH concentration 6.2 is observed in sample-2 rainy season. In case of Industrial area maximum pH concentration 8.1 are found in sample-2 summers season whereas minimum pH concentration...
713 Words 2 Pages

Suggestion and Solution to Solve Thermal Pollution

Introduction Thermal pollution occurs when there is a sudden rise in the optimum temperature of the water source such as river, lake and ocean due to the industrial activities of disposing heated waste water into the water source. There are many industries generate their own power and use water to cool their generators. They use...
1304 Words 3 Pages

Types and Causes of Pollution

For decades our environment has been deteriorating due to all of the pollution around us. There are many different types of pollution. It affects us as humans, our living organisms, and our planet itself. Pollution is the cause of climate change and the reason many animal species have gone extinct because their habitats are being...
940 Words 2 Pages
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