Essays on Privacy & Security

IGAD: Regional Security And Stability In Some Member States

Why IGAD Fails in its Implementation in its Mandate to Maintain Regional Security and Stability in some Member States Abstract My interest in choosing this topic was sparked by the series of terrorism, civil and cross boarder wars that have been present in East Africa since the inception of IGAD in 1996, till to date....
2942 Words 6 Pages

Aspects Of Food Security

Introduction to Food Security Within the topic of Food security you will find two sub-topics, one is food security and the other is food insecurity, Food security is most often defined as, “access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life” (AIFS, 2011) whereas food insecurity is defined as;...
1037 Words 2 Pages

Security Management Program: Benefits And Implementation

Part A Introduction Power AI (PAI) is a company based on software industry that develops software for individuals, businesses and industry organizations. They are majorly focused on Artificial intelligence system for storing, generating and controlling power use. They have use their best techniques to make unique solutions for the applications. They have more than 50...
2403 Words 5 Pages

Internet Privacy: The Affected Of The Dependency On The Internet

1 – Introduction Internet privacy, or online privacy is defined as the security level of personal data published on the Internet by users. Privacy on the internet refers to how safe and secure your personal information and data is once you publish the data on any website. However the recent rise in the popularity of...
1967 Words 4 Pages
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