Essays on Ramayana

Indian Epic Ramayana: Movie Analysis

Ramayana: The Epic is an animated Indian movie directed by Chetan Desai. It is based on the Indian epic Ramayana, an epic about the adventures of Lord Rama saving his wife Sita from the evil hands of Ravana, the king of Lanka that ignited a war between Lord Rama and Ravana. The Ramayana: The Epic...
644 Words 1 Page

Ramayana: Screen Version

“War, in some ways, is merciful to men. It makes them heroes if they are the victors. If they are the vanquished – they do not live to see their homes taken, their wives widowed. But if you are a woman – you must live through defeat…” ― Samhita Arni, Sita’s Ramayana. According to Subhamoy...
1065 Words 2 Pages

Ramayana's Archetypes

The similarities between different culture’s origin stories and mythologies are quite remarkable. It is debatable whether or not the commonality to these stories can be explained by the proximity of early civilizations and the divergence of the stories over time for different groups, or whether the universalities to these stories are intrinsic to the human...
2527 Words 6 Pages
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