Reasons Why Caffeine Is Dangerous For Teens

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How dangerous can a simple beverage containing caffeine be and why would anyone worry about it? There are tons of different foods and drinks that aren’t the healthiest and are mostly sugary and fattening. People have to control what kinds of things consume, along with the amounts. Caffeinated drinks especially are a danger when it comes to how much people consume and the health risk of it. Energy drinks, coffee, and soda are the most popular beverages that humans enjoy drinking and even young kids and teenagers are drinking these and people drink too much caffeine in one day without realizing. It can be dangerous, and not many people are very aware of that. Caffeinated drinks should not be available as freely and common, and children under 18 shouldn’t consume these drinks.

The first reason is how kids are starting to drink these beverages at an early age, and sometimes the addiction is causing health issues. People are consuming too much, and the are addicted to it without even knowing or caring, “The majority of pediatricians recommend that this population should avoid caffeine consumption, particularly since it is unknown as to how excessive caffeine intake impacts the developing brain.” (Article 1, Whiteman, Page 2). Many drinkers do not understand that there intake is too much, and people are becoming sick and unhealthy. Besides the unhealthiness, people have always been having caffeine, and it is very hard to stop this because they don’t care, “Caffeine has been around in foods that humans eat and drinks for hundreds of years.” (Article 2, Gavin, Page 1). People have not stopped and this is why people with power should start to control this and handle it. Caffeine and foods containing it have been causing health issues, and only older mature adults should be able to choose to drink this, and younger people don’t know what their doing.

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Next, another great reason why caffeine should not be as accessible is how uneducated kids and adults are about it. Kids do not understand how caffeinated drinks like soda interfere, “Notably the caffeine interferes with sleep, and the sleep plays a critical role in learning.” (Article 1, Whiteman, Page 2) Young adults do not understand the risk and interference caffeine has and that it is overall negative to them. People also do not understand limits to intake of these certain treats. There is a limit to this, and unenforced rules of proper intake, too much can be dangerous as it explains here, “…too much caffeine can give you stomach aches, headaches, or a racing heartbeat. In fact kids with heart problems should not drink caffeine because it’s known to affect heart rates and force the heart to work harder.” (Article 2, Gavin, Page 1). There are dangers with drinking too much caffeine people, but pe aren’t educated about this, and it should be dealt with or taken care of. The government could create laws, they could advertise, anything would help stop the insane caffeine consumption somewhat and someone needs to teach younger people about its dangers.

Next, the last reason is that caffeine consumption needs to be controlled or limited, and someone needs to take care of the mess. After there are rules and limits for these drinks or food, there will be less worry, “-no one needs caffeinated drinks, especially kids. The best drinks for kids are water and milk, which don’t contain caffeine.” (Article 2, Gavin, Page 1) If caffeinated drinks just overall stop, there won’t be a worry about them and eventually it will be accepted and forgotten. Adults should also get limits, for example having these drinks available like alcohol or people 18+ where they can make there own mature decisions about what to consume, “But we should be mindful that when we consume caffeine, we are consuming a psychoactive substance that can cause or exacerbate some health problems,” (Article 1, Whiteman, Page 3) If only adults get to decide whether or not to consume caffeine, many won’t and people will be slightly safer also. This is an important way of making caffeine consumption much safer, and caffeine can be an addicting beverage.

So finally, here is a simple reason how banning caffeine is better. People disagree with all this, they believe that is safe to have and there should be no problems with it, “It can combat tiredness and improve concentration and focus” (Article 1, Whiteman, Page 1). There are many ways that caffeine should not be allowed. For example, people think that anyone should be able to consume caffeine and it wouldn’t be right to take away, but that isn’t always true since it isn’t safe. Some people are addicted to caffeine and can’t go without it, that’s why they don’t want it to go away. The risks of caffeine are dangerous, “-more than 500-600 grams of caffeine in a day may lead to insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, an upset stomach a fast heartbeat and even muscle tremors.” (Article 2, Gavin, Page 1). If nothing has happened so far, people have not stopped consuming it, only more is made, then something has to be done. People could still have it but it shouldn’t be allowed at all, if it is stopped, that is the least that could happen.

Overall and in conclusion, caffeine just shouldn’t be allowed and at the least restricted. It is addicting and is causing health issues for young kids and adults who don’t understand the danger. If caffeine just stops, then the problem is solved mostly, and people will be safer. People do not understand the risk of certain drinks, and simple treat or beverage shouldn’t be riskful, but safe to consume. If people don’t understand, they should be taught about proper foods, but what is appropriate food consumption? 


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