Essays on Recycling

Recycling As A Simple Way To Prolong The Longevity Of Our Earth

Last year, 100,000 marine creatures, and roughly 1 million seabirds indulged on a tasty treat. This delicacy came from us humans, and was tragically the last thing the animals would ever eat. Even worse, this is just documented plastic related deaths, this doesn’t include all the poor suffering and diseased animals out there in the...
956 Words 2 Pages

Recycling: Plastic And Food Contamination

In the year of 2018, the average contamination rate of communities and businesses is 25%, which is a fairly high number, and should be alarming. As stated in Josh Ocampo’s article (2018), 25% means that around 1 in 4 items placed in the recycle bin isn’t actually recycled, and this does more harm than good....
958 Words 2 Pages

Revolution Of Recycling In Europe: Sweden's Experience

Introduction As time goes by, in every corner of the world, people are producing more and more waste because of some certain reasons. We think the main reason is just because of increasing standards of living. Producing more and more waste can be considered as a potential environmental catastrophe. So, if it has negative effects...
1769 Words 4 Pages
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