Relationship between Partner Phubbing and Relationship Satisfaction: Analytical Essay

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Pphubbing (partner phubbing) is explained as someone giving more attention to their phone than to a romantic partner while in the presence of their romantic partner. To investigate the relationship between partner phubbing and relationship satisfaction, and its emotional impact on individuals, James Roberts and Meredith David, conducted two studies which they detailed in the article, “My life has become a major distraction from my cell phone: Partner phubbing and relationship satisfaction among romantic partners”. Based on previous studies, Roberts and David decided on four hypotheses. The first hypothesis suggests that Pphubbing and relationship satisfaction are negatively correlated. Phubbing with a romantic partner will result in a lack of presence, connection and hearty conversations between partners, which are basic factors that lead to relationship dissatisfaction. The second hypothesis looks at how cell phone conflict influences and impacts relationship dissatisfaction. The third hypothesis used in charting this research postulated the degree to which attachment anxiety can influence the effect of Pphubbing and cell phone conflict on a spousal relationship. The fourth hypothesis indicated that Pphubbing leads to dissatisfaction in spousal relationships which further leads to an unhappy life. (Roberts and David, 2016) The main variables used in this research are Pphubbing, cell phone conflict and relationship satisfaction to establish the positive or negative correlations between them.

The researchers used two studies. The first test operated as a pre-test used to finalize the test items for measuring Pphubbing. The researchers developed a 19-item pre-test for Pphubbing for which they used a sample of 308 US adults. The participants completed different item tests on personal involvement, cell phone conflict, cell phone addiction and relationship satisfaction. (Robert and David, 2016, pg.137) The results of the first study showed that Phubbing is a contributor to cell phone conflict and has an impact on relationship satisfaction. The second study was conducted to verify the hypotheses listed in the research article. The 145 US adult participants were given the now reduced 9-item Phubbing measure, the cell phone and relationship satisfaction measure. The contentment of the participants was tested through the use of a life satisfaction, depression and, attachment anxiety and avoidance measure. (Robert and David, 2016, pg. 138) The results of the second study showed that Pphubbing leads to a higher level of cell phone conflict in individuals with higher attachment anxiety than in individuals who have a lower one. It was also observed that relationship satisfaction contributes positively to life satisfaction while life satisfaction negatively impacts depression. The outcome of both studies supports the researcher’s hypotheses as each hypothesis was proven to be accurate after both studies were carried out.

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The press article, “Phubbing could be ruining your relationship” by Kylie Matthews seeks to bring awareness to the effect of phubbing on relationship satisfaction. Mathews used the input of Julie Hart, a notable relationship expert, and the Baylor University study on Phubbing to convince readers that phubbing can destroy their relationship. The press writer implied causality when stating that phubbing was derived from phone addiction which is a disadvantage of improved technological advancement (Matthews, 2017, Para. 4). Through her correspondent, Hart, the press writer informed readers of three critical factors that indicate satisfaction in relationships and stated that phubbing affects these factors and causes people to experience less satisfied relationships (Matthews, 2017, Para. 13) . Hart says that Phubbing sends subtle messages that the partner is not as important as the phone (Matthews, 2017, Para.17). Mathews ended the article by suggesting ways to save relationships and giving points on identifying a phubber.

A correlational study is a type of research design that investigates the relationship between two variables by using an operational definition while an experiment is another type of research design that investigates the relationship between two variables with the use of an independent, dependent and controlled variable. The research article exhibited a correlational study. In the first study, the researchers included 19 pre-test items which were administered to all 308 US adults without manipulating the study or randomly assigning participants to either a control or experimental group (Robert and David, 2016, pg.137). The use of operational definitions, such as the score on a 10-item personal involvement measure, provided the evidence of a correlational study. Even though the control variable, attachment avoidance, was used in the second study, it was applied to all 145 participants (Robert and David, 2016, pg. 138). This means that there was no independent variable, and this was only a simple measure to ensure that participants had partners who were able to experience attachment anxiety.

Some statements or conclusions arrived at in the press article implied causality and did not represent correlation as identified in the study. The writer stated that Pphubbing directly resulted from phone addiction (Matthews, 2017, Para. 4)instead of identifying that cell phone conflict influenced the relationship between Pphubbing and relationship satisfaction. The press writer concluded that Pphubbing weakens the quality of a relationship (Matthews, 2017, Para. 17) without indicating from the research article that attachment anxiety influenced the relationship between that Phubbing and cell phone conflict. Matthews also stated that Pphubbing has more of a negative impact on relationship satisfaction if a partner is insecure (Matthews, 2017, Para. 12); however, insecurity does not mean attachment anxiety, as the variable used in the research article.

There may be alternate explanations for the results obtained in the study. Self-esteem and confidence are important characteristics for good relationships. Phubbing can have an impact on a partner’s self-esteem and confidence which can have negative effects on relationship satisfaction. Social media can portray a false sense of reality. A partner that practices phubbing is exposed to this ingenuity which can negatively affect relationship satisfaction.


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