Essays on Resource Management

Water Budget Analysis Of Malta

Water is an essential resource with consistently high demand. While water is perceived as inexhaustible, growing global populations and rapid urbanization has placed pressure on available freshwater resources. These growing demands have the resulted in freshwater shortages in certain areas. On the other hand, some naturally wet regions or regions that become wetter due to...

Nepal Water Scarcity and Management Report

Stable water usage is what ensures the sustainable development of society, economy and living environment. However, in Nepal, the distribution of water is uneven and insufficient for the population, and the limited sources are often polluted. As one of the world’s poorest country, repairing and developing the water storage and delivery system in Nepal continues...

Managing Natural Resources: The Three Co’s Strategy

In this essay the author will analyse three approaches to manage natural resources – communal, state-controlled, private ownership based – consider the cons and pros and discuss possible solutions to overcome the obstacles. 1. Introduction. Humankind depends on limited natural resources such as clean air, fresh water, fertile soil, flora and fauna. Those resources are...
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