Essays on Rock and Roll

Bee Gees: Influence On Popular Culture

Their early success in Australia, such as hosting a television show and recording two studio albums in 1965-1966, gained them an Australian following that boosted their career while in Britain. Not only did an Australian audience support them, but their presence on the Top hits was an effective representation of Australians when the industry was...

Dissonant Wonderfulness: The Rock ‘N’ Roll Scene In Australia

Popular music has consistently been a distinctive cultural carrier to demonstrate Australian ideologies for decades. Along the way, rock music is understood as a primary driver for the construction of Australian sociocultural identity and national image with its unique cultural value. According to National Museum of Australia, rock and roll has contributed Australia to generating...
2382 Words 5 Pages

Essence Of Rock and Roll: How Sounds and Lyrics Harmonize

Introduction ‘Rock music is important to people because it allows them to escape this crazy world. It allows them not to run away from the problems that are there, but to face up to them, but at the same time, sort of dance all over them. That is what rock and roll is all about’...
1982 Words 4 Pages

Electric Guitar As The Backbone Of Rock And Roll

Music wouldn’t be the same as it is today without the electric guitar. I became interested in this topic since my father regularly plays 80’s rock-and-roll songs with these extravagant electric guitar solos. Electric guitar advanced music to a technological era, giving musicians a new abstract way of playing music by creating their own unique...
1601 Words 4 Pages
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