Essays on Russian Empire

Causes Of The 1917 Russian Revolution

The collapse of the Russian tsardom in 1917 was not simply the result of a singular, definitive factor, but was instead a much more complex response involving a number of different factors, each with relative importance. The most notable of these appear to be the autocratic regime, the economy and social classes, and the devastations...
3455 Words 8 Pages

Catherine The Great: Autocratic Leadership Style

Catherine the Great adopted an ‘Autocratic leadership style’. When she ascended to her throne, she possessed all control over Russia and every decision regarding Russia had to be approved directly by her. She reinforced her great authority through the power and consistent discipline. She created new laws that reflected society’s needs and made sure that...
823 Words 2 Pages

Communist Manifesto: Arguing That Emerging Capitalism Was Also Destructive Of Stable Social Life

The Manifesto pamphlet highlighted the Principles of communism was composed against the background of those larger, longstanding past developments back in 1847 by the German communist League and then handed to Marks who constructed the theoretical elements of its principles to a masterpiece known today as “Communist Manifesto”. (Boyer, 1998, p. 1). The emergence of...
1087 Words 2 Pages

Book Review: Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto was written in 1847 by a philosopher and revolutionary named Karl Marx. It was published by the Communist League in London on February 21, 1848. Our teacher chose this piece for us because it would help us to understand what communism was and what communists would have wanted for the future. This...
2126 Words 5 Pages

Communist Manifesto: Book Critique

Karl Marx was a German philosopher who wrote many influential works, such as the Communist Manifesto alongside Frederidck Engels. He spread the ideas of Communism all over the world. He was born May 5th, 1818, in Trier, Germany, and studied philosophy at the University of Berlin. He later married Jenny von Westphalen in 1843 and...
2460 Words 5 Pages
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