Essays on Scientific Method

Quantitative Research: Description, Pros And Cons

1. Introduction Quantitative research is a systematic way of analyzing or investigating observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical, and computational techniques. This is closely related to affiliated methods of scientific research. The important and main goal of this method is establishing of hypotheses and theories, experimental control and manipulation of variables, and development of mathematical models...
819 Words 2 Pages

Quantitative Research Process: The Effect Of Classroom Temperature On Final Test Scores

QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH PROCESS 2 UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTHERN CARIBBEAN P.O. BOX 175, PORT OF SPAIN Quantitative Research Process Draft 1 An Assignment Presented in Partial Fulfilment Of the Requirements for the Course SOCI312-Methods of Social Research II INSTRUCTOR: Amanda Thomas By Celine Sampson Wednesday 6th November, 2019 Approval………………………… The effect of classroom temperature on final...
1644 Words 4 Pages

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Research Methodologies: Qualitative Research

“Qualitative research is multi-method in focus, involving an interpretive and naturalistic approach to its subject matter” (Denzin & Lincoln 2000). The research aims at constructing empirically-oriented theories through an inductive approach. It illustrates multiple perspectives combining subjective and social aspects. Qualitative research acquires the data in-depth, without an external structure of responses from the research...
2993 Words 7 Pages

Reflexive Discussion Of Qualitative Research

Being conscious and aware of how we see the world in respect to others is an important component of qualitative research (Kaufman, 2013). Through self-reflection, I have been able to come to acknowledge my own interpretivism, during field observations and interactions with others (Juando-Prats, 2019a). When I feel uncomfortable and/ or uneasy, I wonder if...
1058 Words 2 Pages

Hypothesis Of The Proposed Project: Trans-Paradigmatic Understanding

Hypothesis Based on the Hypothesis of the proposed project designing and developing a integrable education requirements what might be needed/ what might be called as trans-paradigmatic understanding the project requirements and in another way of saying connecting three important strands of research that are seldom that brings together in a meaning full way. One of...
484 Words 1 Page

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Qualitative Research

The qualitative research study is interpretive research, (Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018)). The study is used to help understand and interpret the true thoughts and feelings of an individual based on their past and present experiences. A qualitative approach is also used to study many different topics. It can also help researchers...
1791 Words 4 Pages
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