Essays on Simile

Figurative Language In Elie Wiesel's Works

The holocaust was the World War II slaughter of the European Jews. Somewhere between 1941 and 1945, crosswise German-included Europe, Nazi Germany, and its accomplices efficiently slaughtered about 6,000,000 Jews, around 66% of Europe’s Jewish people. In the memoir night, Eliezer Wiesel recalls his encounters during the time he was detained in inhumane imprisonments. Expressed...
734 Words 2 Pages

Epic Simile In Iliad

“Achilles now like inhuman fire raging on through the mountain… like a frenzied god of battle trampling all he killed… like oxen broad in the brow… so as great Achilles rampaged on”. The most basic comparison being made here is comparing Achilles rampaging to an inhuman fire raging on through the mountain. This describes Achilles...
825 Words 2 Pages

Finding The Light In The Dark: Simile And Similarities

Surprisingly, the trauma and devastation of war brings out the compassion within hearts. In Empire of the Sun by J.G. Ballard, Jim, a teenage boy, grows up in Shanghai, China due to his parents being a part of embassy there. He goes to a good school, sings in a choir, and has a nice house,...
1630 Words 4 Pages
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