Social And Economic Issues That The Republicans And Democrats Would Disagree On

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Over time, certain issues required many Americans to voice their opinions. However, Americans have a difference in public opinion and beliefs this is one reason our society is constantly changing. This has required many laws, regulations, and rules to begin in protecting our civil rights. I will discuss two amendments (First and the Fourteenth) of the US Constitution and how they affect political views from the liberal and conservative sides. Democrats and Republicans are two parties that have a difference in opinion. The Democratic (liberal) party supports ideas for abortion, impartial in marriage rights, specific rights, and freedoms, rights of criminals, nonsupport of state interest in religious foundations, global arms control, advanced nuclear weapons, and interference from military for humanitarian origin. The Republican (conservative) party supports ideas of old-fashioned family Christian-based traditions, oppose abortion, market capitalism, free business, state defense, control of the labor union, and social-conservative policies. One social issue that Republicans and Democrats disagree on is abortion. I will explain ideas and issues from both sides that have been introduced into the argument around abortion. I will also discuss the economic issue that both parties would disagree upon.


abortion, liberal, conservative, economic liberty

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Social and Economic Issues that the Republicans and Democrats Would Disagree On. An Argument for Each side with an Explanation of the Issues and Ideology for Each One.

There has been an increasing difference in political views over the past years. The political officials made laws, regulations, and rules to protect our civil rights. Many political issues have started a controversy in American society. One issue is abortion, which is terminating a pregnancy before the birth of a fetus. The Due Process Clause which safeguards from the arbitrary rejection of life, liberty, or property; under the Fourteenth Amendment states “that no state will deny anyone of “life, liberty, or property”, that doesn’t have due process of law; nor refuse a person inside its jurisdiction the same security of the laws” (U.S. Constitution, 1992). Remember that the Democratic party is proabortion and the Republican party is antiabortion. Democrats want women to have the option to have a legal abortion, but Republicans are against legal abortions and want to oppose the Roe v. Wade law that was passed in 1973. The latest from the Republican party is that a few cases (1%) have occurred when women terminated the pregnancy following 24 weeks. This defensive idea was intended to impress that women are about to give birth to a healthy baby. The Democrats endorse “birthday abortion” and that this is the “party of death”. A Facebook ad criticizing six Democratic senators were stereotyped by the idea, for their choose against legislation that allowed abortions in advanced stages of pregnancy. This year 20 of the democratic presidential candidates supported reproductive justice, which included the teaching of sex, the right to use contraceptives, and an opportunity to employ Planned Parenthood. In contrast to the Democratic candidates, Republican President Donald Trump supported his decision to be prolife in January by signing a proclamation that he will veto any congressional legislation that lessens human life.

Economic Issue that the Republicans and Democrats Disagree On

The economy has shifted from the Great Depression when the stock market crashed in 1929, to a more stable source of revenue, but some changes do affect the economy. Americans gain freedom from the government through liberty. Economy liberty is when the government has boundaries on the economy and what it can do. The First Amendment states “Congress can’t create any law starting a belief or abridging speech or petition freedoms” (Ginsberg, B., Lowi, T. J., Weir, M., Tolbert, C. J., & Campbell, A. L; 2019). Democrats aid in the involvement to make the economy greater by taxing the lower and middle class. On the other hand, the Republicans support a free market, tax breaks, and making the economy better by the upper class. The Republicans are known as “business-friendly” because they favor restricted government by-laws for the economy. This involves restraints to limit the interest of profits, labor unions, and healthcare benefits and retirement payments. This allows more votes from business proprietors and investment capitalists. Then again, Democrats depend on the government for how the outcome of the economy should be. They think the purpose of a business’s profit would rely more on shareholders and they would be prepared to protect the general social moral. The Democrats are wanting to tax and spend because it allows taxes to go up and to spend more money on public services. Republicans believe that what a person earns is his own and the government shouldn’t be allotted to any profit. Democrats contemplate on how the government can make better jobs so taxpayers can pay more taxes to benefit the economy. The conservative understanding is that the Republican’s tax policy will increase profit in corporations and the upper class and the Democrat’s tax policy will increase profit for the middle-class and small businesses.

These are the two largest political parties of the United States and they have survived for years. Both these political parties are always to some extent of disagreement. With the Republican party being against the abortion law and the Democrat-leaning towards abortion. The Democrat party in favor of helping the poor and the less fortunate and the Republican party helps the upper class (wealthy). Republican parties believe that what a person makes is entirely theirs, as, on the other hand, the Democratic party believes that the taxes go up so that there can be an improved public service. They all have equal rights to voice their opinions and both parties believe in their opinions strongly. It is up to the individual voter to choose which political party they are in favor of.


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