Essays on Sons and Lovers

The Dialogue In The Fiction Of David Herbert Lawrence

Abstract: The paper describes the artistic world of D. H. Lawrence form the point of theory of intermediality, that is the implementation of the visual, musical and cinematographic imagery in the work of verbal art as well as the dialogue between the tradition and novelty Key words: dialogue, intermediality, modernism, imagery Any transitional epoch is...
2750 Words 6 Pages

Sons And Lovers: Self And Stigma In Age-discrepant Relationships

This study, based on serious interviews with hitched, cohabiting and separated more seasoned ladies and more youthful men, investigates the impact of this sort of age disparity on connections and selves. Both the women and the men were mindful of the stigmatizing potential of their connections, in specific that the lady can be mistaken for...
1991 Words 4 Pages
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