Squidward Versus Zanni Versus Mr. Krabs And Squidward: Comparative Essay

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Pantalone is a very important character in Commedia. He is one one of the highest-ranking characters and a lot of the other characters roles exist to serve him or his daughter. Pantalone is a very common Commedia character and is found in most plays, including Servant of Two Masters.

Pantalone’s role in Commedia is very interesting. He is very greedy and has a lot of money which he earned from being a merchant. Pantalone is mostly presented as a bachelor but every time he asks a woman to marry him he is rejected. Many lazzi routines also begin with Pantalone where he tends to pick on the lower status characters.

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Pantalone has a very distinct style of movement. He is often hunched over when he walks, always looking down on people or to protect his bag of money. He walks with his knees and elbows up. Sometimes he might have one hand on his hip and the other out like he is in a fencing position. He moves quickly and stiffly because of his boney structure.

Pantalone is easy to recognize by his costume. According to Wikipedia, he is almost completely dressed in red with ”a Greek style hat, a jacket, a pair of long trousers or breeches with stockings, a woollen skullcap and a robe or cape.” His mask is also very distinct. Wikipedia Also says “It is a half-mask with accents on bony structure, big, bushy eyebrows, a long, hooked nose, a moustache, and a long, pointed or forked beard.”


Zanni is a lower status character who works for Pantalone. He is very curious and has no self-awareness. Zanni is very poor because he works as a servant. He is picked on by the higher status characters but he picks on Pedrolino because Pedrolino has a very low status. Zanni is a trickster and likes to fool his masters or other characters.

As a servant, Zanni is usually working or cleaning when mentioned in scripts. Zanni is sometimes used for comic relief. They commonly use different types of Lazzis for example, if Pantalone walked into a room Zanni would pretend to be his shadow.

Zanni is always very curious. His arms and elbows are pointed out and are up almost like a chicken. He always looks with his head before turning because he is scared or uncertain. He lifts his knees high and is always hunched over. He hunches over from carrying heavy things. Zanni looks like he’s following a scent because they lead with their nose.

His costume is very specific. According to Wikipedia, Zanni’s costume “usually consists of white baggy clothing. This was similar to the dress of peasants and farmworkers of the time. The Zanni at first wore a full face carnival mask, but because of the need for dialogue between Pantalone and the Zanni, the bottom of the mask was hinged and eventually cut away altogether.”

Pantalone and Zanni have little in common. Pantalone is rich and Zanni is poor. Pantalone has power and Zanni doesn’t, but both Zanni and Pantalone hunch over when they move. Zanni and Pantalone both also have big noses. Even though Zanni and Pantalone both hunch and have big noses, they are still very different characters.

Mr. Krabs And Squidward

The TV show Spongebob has a character called Mr. Krabs who is very much like Pantalone. I think Mr. Krabs is inspired by Pantalone for many reasons including these three.

First, he is very greedy. Mr. Krabs owns a very popular restaurant called the Krusty Krab which is where Spongebob and Squidward work. He earns lots of money but he always wants more. When Spongebob, who makes very little money, finds a penny on the ground Mr. Krabs spends an entire episode trying to find it because he wants all the money. He also constantly increases the prices on the Krusty Krab menu. Pantalone also likes to have money and is also very greedy.

Second, Mr. Krabs doesn’t pay Spongebob or Squidward very much even though they do all the work in the restaurant. Spongebob and Squidward are like Mr. Krabs’ Zanni. For example, whenever Spongebob or Squidward brings up the paychecks they are owed Mr. Krabs starts sweating and mumbling because he doesn’t want to pay them. Pantalone also wouldn’t want to pay his Zanni.

Lastly, there is a restaurant called the Chum Bucket across the street run which is run by Plankton. It is not very good and nobody eats there. Plankton always tries to steal Mr. Krabs secret formula for the Krabby Patty, his most popular sandwich. This is just like Pantalone and Il Dottore who are always trying to be better than each other. Mr. Krabs also uses lazzis. Sometimes when he is embarrassed his eyes will go into his shell or his whole body.

Overall, I think that Mr. Krabs is inspired by Pantalone for these three reasons and so much more.


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