Stop Driving While Intoxicated, Stop Drunk Driving

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Many people in this world fail to realize the importance of being able to see clearly or having full control over the vehicles they drive these days. The effects of drunk driving is massively important when you are on the road. When people drink before driving they don’t realize alcohol affects your balance and not only that but your vision as well. For the people who have or know people who have driven after they consumed alcohol and took lives not on purpose but accidentally because of that matter I hope you read this.

Over the years a massive percentage of teens and adults involved in deadly crashes were drinking. If you consume any percentage of alcohol in your system and decide to get on the road, you are putting not only your life in danger but the lives of other drivers who are on the road with you as well. In 2011, 24 % of young drivers involved in these crashes were drinking. This number may seem small and it goes unnoticed but that number has grown every day since because people don’t seem to notice the importance of the situation. The age range of these drivers/passengers were from the age of 15 to 20. Even before the 2000’s if you look up “Social Psychological Aspects of Crime” on “Drunk Driving” I’m sure you’ll get a good idea that alcohol abuse has been and is currently one of the most serious social problems in the united states. As you can see the age range indicates those are teens who have illegally been drinking or being around those who were illegally drinking at that age. While only people over the age of 21 can legally drink alcohol, you are still disobeying the law if you are drinking while driving. I am sure these people meant no harm but we have to learn to make smart choices and if you feeling pressured to do something you’re not comfortable with, don’t let that person or group of people convince you to do something you know is wrong. Instead, convince them to handle situations in the safest way possible for your safety and theirs.

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A lot of people tend not to give situations like this much thought, well at least until it happens to a close one of their family. Even if you may not be the one drinking and driving, if you see someone else doing so, getting their attention or letting authority that’s around know that they may not be making the best choice is also useful to saving someone’s life. Alcohol is counted in 40 % of deadly car accidents. It’s not that these situations go unnoticed, but that they are ignored. We think it won’t affect us and continue to see others doing wrong and let them get away with committing crimes, ignoring problem after problem but consequences are the higher the death rates get each year. Every day in the U.S over 30 people die a day because of drunk drivers. It may not affect you and your family because you all know better but it’ll leave younger ones like me but who do not know any better fall into the same trap.

To wrap this up I want to conclude by saying that for one to be changed takes another one to inspire them. Whether that person is grown or a teen, not everyone gets taught the same way at home or at school for that matter. This is why those are the ones who go out and expect everything to be ok because they don’t know any better. Everyone should learn to be careful with every decision they make and be good citizens of our community and help change the world we live in, for our friends, family, and the people around us. Nobody deserves a short life because of an accident we all know we couldn’t avoided by taking a chance to think to ourselves, asking ourselves ‘how will my action effects the people around me?’ We can all help one another out by spreading the word of what consequences could take place with a choice your about to make in a situation that could change our lives forever. Stop driving while intoxicated, stop drunk driving.

Reference Page

  1. By Smith Patricia, March 13th 2017, Driven To Distraction (name of article). Retrieved from
  2. By Freeman, Donald G, July 2007, Drunk Driving Legislation and Traffic Fatalities(name of article), retrieved from
  3. By Kathleen A. Hempelman, 2007, Teen Legal Rights (name of article), retrieved from


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