Essays on The Blind Side

Stereotypes Of African American Men And Teens In Media: The Blind Side And The Hate You Give

The movie, ‘The Blind Side’ written and directed by John Lee Hancock in 2009, is a prime example on how African American men and teens are represented throughout television and media. There are multiple impressions, identities and groups that have been recognized and represented throughout. The blind side portrays their African American characters as broken...

The Struggle With Adversity In The Blind Side

Malcolm Gladwell once said “Adversity is life’s very own workout session. Yes, we will feel the aches and pains and struggles. But after that, we will also feel stronger, more resilient, even more alive”. With that being said, director, John Lee Hancock effectively captures the struggle of adversity in his semi-autobiographical film ‘The Blind Side’,...

The Dynamics Of Race And Class In The Blind Side

“Faced with an image on a screen, we no longer know if the image testifies to the existence of that which it depicts or if it simply constructs a world that has no independent existence” (Casetti 95). Sutured Reality: Film, from Photographic to Digital explores how the products of popular culture depict society and its...

The White Savior Complex In The Blind Side

In a society full of social and cultural constructions, race is constantly depicted as a social hierarchical category used to group people according to their diverse backgrounds. When thinking of the ideals of race, each individual must first consider the fluidity of race and its development of stereotypes. As a simple analysis, racial stereotypes depict...
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