The Chronology Of The American Revolution: Indian War

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The American Revolution of 1775-1783 was the Colonist’s ultimate rebellion against England for their freedom. The relationship between the Colonist and began to deteriorate after the French and Indian war, and colonists also began to question authority. Philosopher John Locke believed that our natural rights, life, liberty and property should be fought for when threatened even if it means rebelling against your own government, essentially what he’s saying is if your own government can’t or won’t protect your natural rights the people have the right to rebel and fight for their rights. The American Revolution was a justified revolution because England was taxing the Colonist without representation in Parliament, England barely issued any repercussion for the actions of soldiers after the Boston Massacre and the King passed the Intolerable acts which violated the Colonist.

In 1764, Parliament passed the Sugar Act, the first tax on the colonist after the French and Indian war in order to try and pay back the debt that England had from the war, however, Parliament passed the Sugar Act and many more tax acts without the Colonist having representation in Parliament. Over the course eight years Parliament passed four acts, the first being the Sugar Act, the Sugar act of 1764 put a tax on Sugar, Coffee, Molasses and Indigo, the Sugar Act was later repealed in 1766. The second act was the Stamp Act of 1765, which taxed newspapers, dice, legal documents and playing cards. The Stamp Act caused a huge riot, groups like the Sons Of Liberty who would terrorize tax collectors started to form also the Stamp Act Congress formed which was a group of representatives from some of colonies that came together to discuss the tax, the Stamp Act Congress was one of the first times the colonist united together. During the period of the Stamp Act many Colonist boycotted goods, the Stamp Act was later repealed in 1766. The third act was the Townshend Act,

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The American Revolution of 1775-1783 was the Colonist’s ultimate rebellion against England for their freedom. The relationship between the Colonist and began to deteriorate after the French and Indian war, and Colonist also began to question authority. Philosopher John Locke believed that our natural rights, life, liberty and property should be fought for when threatened even if it means rebelling against your own government, essentially what he’s saying is if your own government can’t or won’t protect your natural rights the people have the right to rebel and fight for their rights. The American Revolution was a justified revolution because England was taxing the Colonist without representation in Parliament, England barely issued any repercussion for the actions of soldiers after the Boston Massacre and the King passed the Intolerable acts which violated the Colonist.

In 1764, Parliament passed the Sugar Act, the first tax on the colonist after the French and Indian war in order to try and pay back the debt that England had from the war, however Parliament passed the Sugar Act and many more tax acts without the Colonist having representation in Parliament. Over the course eight years Parliament passed four acts, the first being the Sugar Act, the Sugar act of 1764 put a tax on Sugar, Coffee, Molasses and Indigo, the Sugar Act was later repealed in 1766. The second act was the Stamp Act of 1765, which taxed newspapers, dice, legal documents and playing cards. The Stamp Act caused a huge riot, groups like the Sons Of Liberty who would terrorize tax collectors started to form also the Stamp Act Congress formed which was a group of representatives from some of colonies that came together to discuss the tax, the Stamp Act Congress was one of the first times the colonist united together. During the period of the Stamp Act many Colonist boycotted goods, the Stamp Act was later repealed in 1766. The third act was the Townshend Act, passed by Parliament in 1767. The Townshend Act taxed items such as glass, paper, paint, lead and tea. During this time Soldiers also violated the Colonist natural rights with the Writs of Assistance, which allowed soldiers to search for smuggled goods without a warrant. The Townshend Act was later repealed a month later but kept the tax on tea in order to make money. The fourth and final act was the Tea Act, the Tea Act was England’s way of cutting out the middleman which actually lowered the price of tea but kept the tax, the Colonist thought this was a trick and rebelled against the Tea Act. To justify all the taxation on the Colonist, the king passed the Declaratory Act, which stated that the Colonist and citizens were all equal and the king is above them all and can do whatever he wants to. Being taxed was not what enraged the Colonists they actually did not mind paying taxes, it was having no representation and no say in the decision that enraged them. Taxation without representation was one of the many problems between and the Colonist that led to the American Revolution.

The Boston Massacre occurred on March 5th, 1770 and is sometimes considered the first fight of the revolution. On March 5th, 1770 some boys were throwing ice at soldiers, after a while, a crowd started to rally up, soldiers then decided to open fire on a group of colonist killing five Colonists. The Boston Massacre foreshadowed the violent revolution to come. The Boston Massacre turned Colonial sentiment against King George III and all of acts, the relationship between England and the Colonist was quickly deteriorating. The aftermath of the Boston Massacre helped spark the start of the revolution

The Intolerable Acts also known as the Coercive acts in Britain was the King’s response to the Sons of Liberty, Boston tea party. The Intolerable acts consist of four parts. The first part is the Boston port act, which closed off the Boston Port causing trade to go down. The second part the Quartering act forced Colonist to bed and feed soldiers in their own homes. The Quartering act angered the Colonist because on top of paying taxes they now needed to take care of soldiers who they constantly clashed with. The third part was that there couldn’t be any assemblies, meaning group like the Sons of Liberty couldn’t come together anymore. The fourth part is that all trials of soldiers were to be moved to England so that the soldiers could have a fair trial. At this point the Colonist wanted to get rid of the Intolerable acts so they tried to reason with the King but the King gave nothing in return so it was only right for the Colonist to rebel against England for their rights.

The American Revolution was a justified rebellion against England. England was threatening the Colonist natural rights by not allowing them to have representatives in Parliament, insisting the Intolerable acts and from the Boston Massacre. The Colonist had every right to rebel and if they didn’t our country wouldn’t be what it is today.


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