The Consequences of North Korea Being Cut Off from Trade

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Trade is a commercial transaction involving the exchange of sale and purchase or goods, services and information. Trade is a great source for every country to access commodities which the country is unable to produce or supply. Trade is so crucial and essential because it is fare and allowed for every country to access human needs and wants without depriving a society. Since trade allows society to request and purchase desired produce, this means every country needs trade in order to fulfil basic needs and wants. The economy of North Korea is a strict planned system, where the market allocation schemes are limited, because the government is strict and lawful, the citizens or the people of North Korea are being deprived from needs that are unable to be accessed because of the Soviet Union laws.

Living Standards in North Korea

Political and Social

Living in North Korea, everyone is classified by penury. The elite ruling class appreciate basic goods of present-day life such as indoor plumbing, cars, meat, coffee and a small number of luxury items. The middle class are given sufficient food and occasional new clothes. Most of the citizens or the people, nevertheless, struggle to survive. Electricity, for those that are fortunate or lucky enough to have it, is undependable and infrequent. Power might be available for a limited amount of time, for instance, a few hours each day. Most often, people with cell phones utilize them for flashlights during these outages. Half of the nation, 24 million people live in extreme poverty because North Korea is inefficient to supply or produce enough for the community due to the government laws.

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In 2012 Kim Jong-Un came into, he constructed the biggest economic reforms the country has ever seen. Kim has started to pay farmers and factory managers, he has even now allowed an active money economy to appear in mass famine. Researchers believe that the code Jong-Un has constructed has started to be a barrier to the country’s economic development. The regime’s focus on Songun (military-first politics), has aggravated North Korea’s economic problems. There is inactiveness in industrial and electricity, along with lack of food sources, because of systemic problems. In Pyongyang, a longstanding party line maintains that the country’s post-Cold War woes were the fault of two factors: 1) the sudden cutoff of aid and trade from the Soviet Bloc upon its collapse, and 2) which involves the U.S, the hostile policy, with its many economic penalties against trade and investment in the DPRK, therefore North Korea will suffer and struggle in maintaining the economy for the country because of severing ties in aid and trade.


Since 1980, the environment in North Korea has been announced to be in a state of crisis and catastrophe. In 2017, a survey was conducted and found that 93% of sanitation facilities were not connected to a sewage system. Instead, the human waste was utilized as fertilizer on fields, increasing the potential health risk of spreading intestinal worms. North Korea cannot sustain sewage systems because they cut ties in trade, this problem could be solved by allowing international trade for foreign countries to make deals and help this suffering country.

The Impact of Limiting Trade in North Korea

North Korea is a Totalitarianism form of government which is a political concept that restricts opposition parties, prohibits individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an elite control over public and private life. North Korea has decided to cut ties in aid and trade due to the Totalitarianism laws. The norm’s refusal to recreate its failed agricultural terms, combined with openness to unfortunate climate conditions, and incapacity to buy required agricultural inputs or food imports. The North Korean citizens have been facing food shortages since the 1990s. Situations like this could be easily avoided if trade wasn’t restricted in the state. North Korea only started trading with neighboring countries not so long ago, but only for produce like coal, machinery and technological advances. This country focuses on being innovated instead of trying to find ways to make sure all citizens are provided with food and water utilities. Millions of the unfortunate such as undernourished born babies and children, and pregnant women still bear the impetus shortages today as you speak. An outbreak like this has formulated a generation of North Koreans with stunted growth and a higher susceptibility to health problems due to the cut off of aid. The government thinks that it supplies universal health care to its people. In actuality, most of the public healthcare system collapsed in the 1990s along with food utilities, with only health care homes in areas like Pyongyang were still open. Not under consideration, health productivity and medicine are only available to those that are fortunate with money. North Koreans are therefore, are endangered by easily curable poverty-related diseases, such as tuberculosis and cataracts. Such problematic cases can be solved by searching for countries to trade with, therefore, that will avoid almost the whole population from suffering.

Important Commodities in North Korea

(Resources, products and ideas originating from N.K)

The Koreans have made wonderful discoveries across a number of scientific and technological projects. The country has played a creative and unique role in the modern Digital Revolution through its large electronics industry with a number of modern revolutionary and widespread technologies in fields such as electronics and robotics created by Korean scientists, inventors, and entrepreneurs. North Korea has a number of efficient industries such as military produce, building machines, electrical power, chemicals, mining, metallurgy, textiles, food processing and tourism. The state mainly exports minerals, metallurgical products, manufactures including armaments, textiles and agricultural and fishery products.

Effect on my life and citizens, if North Korea cut off the rest of the world from trade

China is North Korea’s most essential trading partner and main plug of food and energy. It has helped sustain Kim Jong-un’s government, and has historically opposed harsh international sanctions on North Korea in the hope of avoiding regime collapse. Beijing has provided aid personally to Pyongyang, fundamentally in food and energy assistance. China, Japan, South Korea, and the United States have given more than 75 percent of food aid to North Korea since 1995. The United States has persuaded North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons program in return for human needs such as aid, diplomatic benefits, and normalization of relations. North Korea is country that is very powerful in terms of military and technology, in other words, North Korea is a superior, strong and a built country that believes in an equal amount of everything for everyone. The leader, Kim Jong-Un prioritizes on machinery and nuclear weapons to make sure the country is a threat to the world. This state is actually an unhealthy environment to live in because the food, sanitation, and aid utilities are very poor. Living conditions are unbearable.


Trade has proven to be a blessing in society, it helps every country in need of a supply. North Korea is armed in defending the country in a situation of crises, but is a struggling country to provide for the citizens. Utilities such as food, sanitation and aid is inefficient. The state should be more open to finding out new resources other than China to trade with so that the population of people stops decreasing. A wise man quotes; Globalization and trade liberalization were supposed to make us all better off through the mechanism of trickle-down economics. What we seemed to be seeing instead was trickle-up economics, accompanied by a destruction of democratic politics, as we moved ever closer to a system of ‘one dollar, one vote’ as opposed to ‘one person, one vote.’ Joseph Stiglitz.

Wisdom, equality and fairness are qualities every country should have in order for every society to be efficient and stable.


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