The Effects Of Driving After Consuming Alcohol:

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To persuade my audience that drinking and driving is a dangerous problem that needs to be addressed in our society.


  • In 2009, there were ten thousand eight hundred thirty-nine victims in crashes involving a driver with a BAC of .08 or higher which is thirty-two per cent of total traffic accidents for the year.
  • In 2009, a total of one thousand three hundred fourteen children age 14 and younger were killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes, fourteen percent of these occurred in alcohol-impaired driving crashes.
  • Out of the fourteen percent that were killed, fifty-one percent were occupants of a vehicle with a driver who had a BAC level of .08 or higher, and another 27 children (15%) were pedestrians or pedal cyclists hit by drivers with a BAC of .08 or higher.
  • Drinking and driving is a choice that affects everyone is one way or another which could be prevented with better planning and control.

Thesis Statement:

Drinking and driving is a major problem that needs to be addressed to cut back on the number of deaths caused by alcohol-related accidents.

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Body :

  • The effects of driving after consuming alcohol have become very dangerous and puts many people’s lives in danger everyday.
    • Many people die each year as a result of alcohol-related accidents. According to the most recent figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 39% of all traffic-related deaths are related to alcohol.
  • Alcohol impairs eyesight, judgement, and reflexes which makes driving extremely dangerous.
  • According to an article published by John Hopkins University, consuming alcohol causes tunnel vision and reduction in peripheral sight. Alcohol increases swaying, especially if the eyes are closed and it affects the accuracy and consistency of a task. Significant memory loss can occur with high doses of alcohol and may develop into blackouts. Transition: ​ Many issues relating to alcohol caused crashes could be reduced if drivers choose to be responsible and not get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol.
  • In order to cut back on alcohol-related vehicle accidents, drunk drivers and the people around them need to make a decision to choose not to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol.
    • Many lives and injuries could be avoided if drivers choose not to drive after consuming alcohol.
  • All the attention drove drunk-driving deaths to a low record in 1999, when only 15, 786 people were killed in alcohol-related crashes. A 43% drop from drunk-driving death tolls of the early 1980s. At the same time, the percentage of crashes caused by drunk drivers dropped from 57 percent in 1982 to 38 percent last year. (KOCH)
    • Friends and peers have a major impact and can play a major role in stopping an intoxicated person from driving.
  • According to Ad Council Campaign, research indicates that 62% of Americans exposed to the now-iconic “ Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk “ campaign have personally intervened to stop someone from driving drunk, and saving countless lives. Transition: ​Everyone knows the laws and consequences of drinking and driving, many drivers still make the decision to drink and drive which results in many different types of consequences.
    • Consequences of drinking and driving are motor vehicle accidents which could result in death, injury, legal lawsuits, fines, and imprisonment.
    • Death and injury could be avoided if you decide not to drive.
  • According to mothers against drunk driving, every minute one person is injured from an alcohol-related crash and one in three will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lifetime.


  1. Designate a sober driver – a member of the group that will remain sober in order to drive everyone home is the easiest way to make sure that no one is getting behind the wheel drunk.
  2. Ride-Hailing Service – If no one is willing to be a designated driver then take a taxi, uber, or Lyft.
  3. Staying In- If you’re certain you’ll be too tempted to drink at your destination and you’re unable to find someone to drive you or there are no ride-hailing services available, its best to stay in. Transition: ​ as society is made more aware of this important topic, more and more people can begin to take a stand against drinking and driving. A night out drinking isn’t worth risking your own life or the life of others.


  1. After being made aware of the facts, drinking and driving is a much bigger issue than what it is made out to be.
  2. Drinking and Driving cause injury and death to thousands of people each year and it’s something that could be prevented by making the right decision.
  3. Many people know the facts about drinking and driving, but they always think it won’t happen to them, and it can happen to anyone.

​ Reference Page

  1. “Update: Drunk Driving.” Issues And Controversies On File: n. Pag. Issues And Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 21 sept. 2007. Web. 06 Dec. 2019.. <>.
  2. Koch, K. ( 2000, October 6). Drunken Driving. CQ Researcher, 10, 793-808. Retrieved from
  3. “Statistics.” Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Web. 06 Dec. 2019..
  4. “Drunk Driving Statistics.” Alcohol Testing and Drunk Driving Information. AlcoholAlert. Web. 06 Dec.


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