The Lived Experiences Of Studying Teenage Mothers

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Studying teenage mothers are suffering in the hardship of taking care of their child, financial problem, judgment, and criticism of other people. It is even harder for those who continue their studies. They have difficulty in managing their time for studying and babysitting. And some are struggling of taking care of their child because they have a lack of knowledge and experience.

Some teenage mothers studying at the University of Cebu Senior High School Main Campus seek support from family, friends, and loved ones. Some lost trust and bravery as a result of quitting school. The evaluation at the University indicates that most of them need financial support to meet a child’s needs. Some left their child due to their difficult situation.

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As indicated by Natividad (2013), the results of the National Demographic and Health Survey’s absolute extended lengths and the latest results of the 2011 Family Health Survey show that youthful pregnancy in the Philippines, measured as the degree of women who started childbirth in their adolescence, has risen steadily over a 35-year period.

Teenage pregnancy in the Philippines is rising because teenagers have a lack of knowledge about sex, family planning, not using contraceptives, and curiosity in engaging in sexual activities that lead to unwanted pregnancy. The Commission on Population’s executive director, Juan Antonio Perez, said that last 2018 population in the Philippines increased by 1.8 million, growing at a rate of 1.69%.

The University of Cebu aims to examine the lived experiences of studying teenage mothers. especially to know their struggles and challenges. They will get knowledge and gain lessons as well. The school comprises to conduct this research that is informative and relevant.

Theoretical Background

          Fishbein and Ajzen established a “reasoned action” theory, which entails that individuals possess the severity of a probable effect. This perspective can help to improve a person’s behavior (Fishbein&Ajzen 1975; Ajzen&Fishbein 1980). A behavior, therefore, is the product of an intended action, and the intended action is guided by an individual’s attitudes toward the behavior (Ajzen&Fishbein 1980). Applying this theory to teenagers and pregnancy suggests that teenagers weigh the severity of their actions when they choose to engage in certain situations. Teenagers, therefore, would see the seriousness of a high school pregnancy for their future life results, and this discernment would help direct a young person’s basic leadership process about regardless of whether to take part in sexual relations and if taking part in sexual relations, regardless of whether to utilize contraception.

         Geronimus (1991), however, has argued that the costs associated with teenage pregnancy for disadvantaged females are not as great as previously thought. The females who become mothers during their teen years are very distinct from those who do not. Teenage mothers are more likely to come from economically disadvantaged families, be members of minority groups, and grow up in either inner-city neighborhoods or isolated rural areas (Geronimus 1991). Therefore, to evaluate the expenses related to childbearing for this particular gathering of females, it doesn’t bode well to contrast these females with the individuals who have not conceived an offspring since the individuals who have not conceived an offspring regularly have far more promising time to come possibilities than those who have conceived an offspring.

According to Bachrach (1992), relinquishment of a child, through adoption, is much more likely the greater the opportunity costs of single motherhood at the time of conception. Women who were no longer in school were only a third as likely to place their children for adoption as women who were still currently in school (Bachrach et al. 1992). Correspondingly, among white and Hispanic young people, the probability of prematurely ending a pre-marriage pregnancy, instead of conceiving an offspring, increments altogether the higher the level of their folks’ instructive achievement(Cooksey 1990).

The theory of attachment in psychology originates from John Bowlby’s seminal work (1958). Attachment is a profound and enduring emotional bond that connects each other through time and space (Ainsworth, 1973; Bowlby, 1969). Attachment is characterized by specific behaviors in children, such as seeking closeness when upset or threatened by the attachment figure (Bowlby, 1969). Some of the informants which are teenage moms are attached to someone that it leads to sexual intercourse. Teenage moms found extreme attachment and it is a behavioral aspect.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to examine the lived experiences of teenage student mothers of senior high school in the University of Cebu Senior High School Main Campus school year 2019-2020.

This study specifically aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the challenges encountered by the informants after pregnancy?

2. How do they manage to meet their child’s needs?

3. What are the participant’s coping strategies as a teenage mother?

Significance of the Study

This study will primarily benefit teenage mothers because it is important to determine the negative and positive impact in their life after pregnancy. Moreover, the findings of this study will serve as a tool and instrument in advocating the right ways of family planning. This will also help them establish and gain the courage of being a teenage mother in terms of dealing with their personal or social predicaments and observations in society.

The results will broaden the viewpoints of parents in managing their children particularly the individuals who are a piece of flawless and non-unblemished families; heartfelt and upsetting families; broken families, and so forth. As a major aspect of a kid’s development, they can improve their child-rearing mindfulness and advance a comprehensive domain towards the advancement of their children.

This study will also benefit the younger generation as to how to make wise decisions in their lives. Moreover, the findings of this study will guide the younger generation and collaborate with the findings of other studies as it passes over to generation after generation.

Lastly, future researchers can utilize the results of this study as a kind of perspective and guide while setting out comparative studies having comparable in nature.

Scope and Delimitations

This study assessed the lived experiences of teenage student moms at the University of Cebu Senior High School. The teenage moms were in grades level 11 and 12. This study aims to answer the profile of the respondents, their disadvantages of being a teenage student mom, and how they cope with their struggles. Having this study will let teenagers have more knowledge about early pregnancy and be aware of the responsibilities and consequences they will be experiencing.

The data was collected by an interview method with follow-up questions to clarify vague answers. Other information was not included because of the limited questions given to this study and limited time due to the respondent’s schedules. The interview was conducted in the 2nd semester of the school year 2019 at the classrooms of the respondents in the school.

Definition of Terms

The terms are operationally defined based on how they are used in the study:

Teenage Student Mom is a female adolescent who is still studying and got pregnant early.Lived experiences are the emotions, struggles, good times, in their daily life. It is how they live in their everyday routine and how they do things in every situation.


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