The Red Convertible: The Influence Of Online Community In People’s Life

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Nowadays online communities use internet as the main communication channel to communicate with people around the world. A couple of decades before there was no social media that people communicated by using internet. To send a message to someone, you need to go in person to deliver the message. This is a waste of time and it cost a lot of money the cost depends on how far you deliver the message. Today online communities use social networking sites such as chat rooms, email, Facebook, Twitter etc. to share and exchange ideas and playing games. Even we can find long lost friends and families by using social networking apps on the internet. However, I found that online communities have both positive and negative impacts on the individual’s life but mostly positive. There are a number of reasons why online communities have advantages and disadvantages on the day to day life such as these that are explained in the following paragraphs.

Online communities such as Facebook, My Space and Twitter have impacted society in both positive and negative ways. Even if an individual’s interest matters how to use Social Media, there are positive aspects of it in sharing experiences, building relationships and getting updated information like current situations or news in the world. In the article name “The Red Convertible” by Louise Erdrich talks about the relationship between Lyman and his brother Henry, a soldier who was deployed in the Vietnam War. Lyman lost his brother Henry committed suicide because of mental health problem. At the time if there is an online community Henry will probably back to his normal health and will not kill himself. At these days so many people have different issues and problems that need to be solved. There is an online community website that helped these kinds of people to solve their problems and eliminate risks. At the experiences can be a cultural exchange, educational and political among different peoples in different countries and in regard to building a relationship, it is not limited to friendship only but will likely be extended to marriage which is the foundation of family and society as well.

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There are also negative impacts of using social media like spreading out fake news and distracting people from reality. The users of the media will be affected and there is limited time to access the correct information. There is an influence of teenagers or youngsters in becoming more self-centred and attention seekers in posting different unnecessary pictures.

The other positive aspect of Social Media is allowing to follow news and events in the world easily and live compared to Radio or TV. Online community sites have pros and cons but mostly pros.


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