Time Travel With Tachyons

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Abstract—Scientists thought to build a machine that can travel in time, but till now it has not happened yet. In this paper you will be able to know, how to travel in time, with the help of a particle that moves faster than light. Considering speed of light is the speed limit of the universe.

I. Introduction

Tachyon is a subatomic particle that moves faster than light. The word tachyon is derived from the Greek word Tachys, meaning swift, quick, fast or rapid. Tachyons are found in neutrinos, which was proposed by Chodos, where he predicted it can have a Tachyonic nature. A Tachyon loses its energy as Cherenkov radiation(with an electronic charge). Most scientists state that faster than light particles could not exists in reality, because they do not follow physics universal laws. If particles faster than light exists, then they can send signal faster than light with a Tachyonic anti-telephone which will lead to violations of causality. Tachyons have special properties as described in Fig. 1, which make it different than other particles.

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Tachyons and its properties

Properties of tachyons are:

  1. It is not possessing any energy but, when it emits radiation then it gains energy.
  2. Its speed is not measurable, it has no limit to it’s speed.
  3. Its speed is greater than light.
  4. It can be present everywhere in the Universe.
  5. It contains all potential of all the particles in the universe.

II. Literature Survey

A. Discovery Of Tachyons

Tachyons were first discovered by O. M. P. Blaniuk, V. K. Deshpande and E. C. G. Sudharshan in 1962, they called it as ‘meta particle'[1]. The term tachyon was coined by Gerald Feinberg, and he also said these particles could be quanta of a quantum field(with imaginary mass). But, in modern physics the term ‘tachyon’ often refers to imaginary mass fields rather than faster-than-light particles[2].

B. Concept Of Tachyons

A tachyon that is charged traveling in vacuum it undergoes a constant acceleration(with respect to the proper time it forms a hyperbola in space time). A electrically neutral tachyon would loose energy through gravitational Cherenkov radiation(gravitational mass) and increase in speed as it travels[3]. Many theories have been develop to support the particles which moves faster than light. One of it is, Lorentz factor, which explains relation between Lorentz factor and magnetic field. Einstein’s theory of relativity states that light speed is the speed limit of the universe. Experiments have been conducted to find the existence of these particles[4]. ‘Tau neutrino had traveled faster than light’, which was reported by The European Organization for Nuclear Research(CERN). This indicated that faster than light readings were resultant of ‘a faulty element of experiment’s fiber-optic timing system’.

In history, a device named Chronovisor was built in the early 1960s. Father Franciscois Brune had thought of this idea. Then, later it was built by old era French scientist called Pellegrino Ernetti[5].

This device could catch signals in-universe and reproduce the past events on screen, but one can only see and hear past actions.

This was believed that Chronovisor had a Tachyonic matter in it which could catch any frequency particles in universe. There the confusion began about this particle which was sub atomic in nature.

III. Methodology

Time(4th dimension) is believed to be a powerful dimension in the world. According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, a faster than light particle would have space like four-momentum, in comparison with particles that have time like four-momentum. Some theories suggest that mass of tachyon is imaginary, but in some modern concepts it is believed to be real(considered). The formulas for momentum and energy are redefined by this phenomenon. Tachyon are constrained to space-like portion of the energy-momentum graph, it will slow to subluminal speeds.

In theory of relativity, where the outcome was light speed was speed limit of universe. So if we can make a proper use of Tachyon we travel in time. As we know space and time meets in a region of vast universe. If we travel at light speed the universe will be frozen. Then when it starts spreading it’s radiation the universe can be rotated in reverse or forward direction. Basically Tachyon is not a energy, so it has velocity faster greater than light, but it gains energy when it emits radiations which are having higher frequencies than light and any thing in the universe(by assuming that the particles in space have same speed that of light). This Tachyonic matter can catch frequencies that are lesser in frequency. In this universe the past actions are present in-universe as a particle that could be caught with the help of a Tachyonic anti-telephonic device and can reproduce the same past actions. Tachyonic anti-telephonic working can be seen in Fig.2, which explains how two space shuttles travel in space and transmit the information.

Time travel concept is also associated with temporal paradox(time travel paradox) which is an apparent(logical) contradiction of concepts which is relating its idea with time and time travel[6][7].

Basically, the Temporal paradox is categorized into two groups

  1. Casual Loop
  2. Grandfather Paradox

A Casual loop is a paradox of time travel in which past event is a cause of future events. In this paradox, past can never be changed.

A Grandfather paradox(consistency paradox) is a paradox in which past can be changed but, time travelers can do anything that did happen and can’t do anything which didn’t happen. If time traveler does an event that didn’t happen will result in a contradiction.

IV. Proof Of Hypothesis

This theory can be tested by astronauts, by designing a spaceship in which Tachyonic Anti-Telephone fixed, which help to catch the frequency of the particles, Tachyonic radiation emitter, Esaki diode(tunnel diode).

The spaceship should be designed in such a way that it should be highly resistible to space and it’s elements which can cause damage to space ship at extreme speed.

Initially, the Tachyonic radiation emitter starts emitting it’s radiation, later at light speed the whole universe will be frozen.

Then Tachyonic anti-telephone should be activated to start catching the frequencies of the particles and start reproducing the past actions in reality.

Speed Facts: We all know that the speed of light is 3*108ms-1 which is too much, but with Tachyonic technology to overcome this speed is possible. With this technology, we will be able see our universe in a different way. Space ship should be built in such a perfection that one should not feel afraid while traveling at extreme speed. It should be according to need of humans and comfortable to afford.

V. Applications

This theory has wide range of applications as follows:

  1. Disproves Einstein’s special theory of relativity.
  2. This can be used for time travel.
  3. While time-traveling past actions can be changed.
  4. Traveling in such a speed greater than light, we can travel one year in in a minute.
  5. This theory proves there are particles in the universe which can travel faster than light.

VI. Conclusion

We can say there are such particles that can travel faster than light, which disproves special relativity theory of relativity. For now, our technology is not developed yet to bring time travel in reality, but soon time travel will be possible. We are heading to a great future in field of technology. Soon time travel will be not fiction but a real concept. Time travel is suitable for all in this universe. Every particle in this universe is having it’s own significance and use. We yet to explore them.


  1. O.M.P. Bilaniuk, V.K. Deshpande, E.C.G. Sudharshan, “Meta Relativity,” American Journal of Physics, pp.718, 1962.
  2. G. Feinberg, “Possibility of Faster-Than-Light Particles,” pp. 159, 1967.
  3. Y. Aharonov, A. Komar, L. Susskind, “Superluminal behavior, Casualty, and Instability,” Phys. Rev. American Physical Society, pp. 182, 1969
  4. R.K. Bock, The Particle Detector Brief Book CERN, 9 April 1998.
  5. R. Baker, ‘‘Relativity, FTL and Causality,’’ Sharp Blue, 12 September 2003.
  6. Francisco Lobo, “Time, Closed Timelike Curves and Causality,” 2002.
  7. Nicholas J.J. Smith, “Time Travel,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2013


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