Essays on Tourism

Contemporary Issues Affecting Tourism Industry

World is changing and with it people have to learn how to adapt the way they live and behave accordingly. But it is not just about the people as individuals. Businesses and customers are also changing the way they plan, sell, target and make their decisions. There are many contemporary issues affecting the Tourism Industry:...
1144 Words 3 Pages

The Significance Of Tourism Industry For The Economy Of The

The tourism industry orchestrates a momentous significance to the economy of the UK. As stated by Visit Britain, “Britain will have a tourism industry worth over £257 billion by 2025 – just under 10% of UK GDP and supporting almost 3.8 million jobs, which is around 11% of the total UK number”. With such a...
2125 Words 5 Pages

Sex Tourism: Arguments For And Against

Sex tourism! What is Sex tourism? The first thing which comes to our mind is the red-light areas and destinations like Amsterdam and Thailand. According to The World Tourism Organization, A specialized agency of the United Nations defines sex tourism as ‘trips organized from within the tourism sector, or from outside this sector but using...

Las Vegas, Los Angeles And San Francisco: Tourist Destinations and Attractions Group Project

Introduction USA west Have a lot of popular tourism cities, we choose three cities to explore, they are Nevada Las Vegas, California Los Angeles, San Francisco These three cities have different characteristics that make these cities very popular. Nowadays, the geographical resources and Destination mix affects the tourism popularity, the components are Attractions, Amenities /...
2670 Words 6 Pages

Traditional Backpackers: Adventurous Travelling

Introduction “Backpacker” is someone who is travelling around the globe with minimum budget and instead of putting their travel essentials in a luggage or suitcase they use a huge backpack to move from one destination to another. Backpackers usually choose to stay in a hostel rather than a hotel, because they are travelling in a...
1272 Words 3 Pages

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Mass Tourism

Preface Today, people are being more sensibility for the natural environment because tourism industry is the only economical sector that uses destinations natural environment as a very important of its product. Tourism has developed in many places. Tourism sector has been considered as a key factor contributing in the development of countries. Tourists have flocked...
1563 Words 3 Pages

Tourism Security In South Asia

Tourism remains the largest industry in the world and is powerful tool of development. It represents 10% of GDP and provide 10% of jobs globally. The industry is linked with other sectors of Economy. Tourism security is an important part of both security management and tourism. Private security professionals and police departments in tourism cities,...
713 Words 2 Pages

Dubai’s Tourism Applied Model And Its Societal Outcomes

This reflective paper reviews the Dubai’s tourism applied model and its societal outcomes based on the paper of Marcus L. Stephensona∗ and Jane Ali-Knightb. Moreover, it will study its related concerns according to my way of thinking and perception of the main article. As it can be seen, the introduction of the article focusing on...
666 Words 1 Page

History And Essence Of Dark Tourism

Tourism is currently one of the world’s largest industries in the world and is expected to continue exponentially grow, develop and expand (Tarlow. 2005). The tourism industry, in modern society, is a major environmental, economic and socio-cultural force, that provides a lifestyle for many people. The tourism industry provides plenty of advantages and benefits that...
1660 Words 4 Pages

Case Study And SWOT Analysis Of Montauk: Outdoor Activities

Case Study SWOT Analysis Section 1: Montauk, New York is a village at the east end of the Long Island peninsula. This village resides in Suffolk County and is in the town of East Hampton with a current population of 3,326 people covering 52㎢[1]. The population density is only 65/㎢ which is extremely low compared...
2335 Words 5 Pages
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