Essays on Tourism

Social Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour In Tourism

Introduction to Tourism Tourism can be defined as ‘Tourism is a collection of activities, services and industries which deliver a travel experience comprising transportation, accommodation, eating and drinking establishments, retail shops, entertainment businesses and other hospitality services provided or individuals or groups traveling away from home’ Macintosh and Goeldner But however Tourism has no one...
1355 Words 3 Pages

Positive And Negative Economic Effects Of Tourism

Economic growth is an essential factor in decreasing poverty and improving the quality of life in developing countries, Economics is heavy influenced by the positive and negative effects of tourism and have been studied on how it occurs, this Literature review will use research papers and journals to see if tourism does actually have a...
848 Words 2 Pages

Impact Of Adventure Tourism Like Camping On The Environment

Research Question: How does adventure tourism like camping impact the environment? Have you ever felt to go camping to cleanse the soul and free our minds from the daily hustles? Probably yes for most of us, because people are getting more and more tensed and pressurized from their daily jobs and other routines. Most of...
1376 Words 3 Pages

Tourism Prediction: Literature Review

Literature Review Introduction Tourism has been a very important aspect in the economy of most of countries. There are multiple Islandic countries (Caribbean Islands, Maldives, etc.) where people and government solely depend on tourism for their earning. Understanding tourism patterns has been an important goal for such people. People have trying to record visitor data...
1597 Words 4 Pages

Pros And Cons Of Tourism Development

The travel industry has grown over the years and the number of travelers increases year after year. This boom in tourism has provided new jobs and promoted financial success in nations over the world. The income produced can make up a huge percentage of private, local, and national incomes, through the consumption of goods and...
525 Words 1 Page

Tourism And Tourist Influx Evaluation In Rishikesh Town Of Uttarakhand

Abstract: Tourism is a major engine of economic growth and an important source of employment and foreign exchange in many countries including India. It has great capacity to create large-scale employment of diverse kind– from the most specialized to the unskilled and hence can play a major role in creation of additional employment opportunities. It...
2002 Words 4 Pages

Challenges In Managing Heritage Tourism Destinations

The term heritage tourism has been increasingly used to align to a number of phenomena ranging from art and architecture of historical sites or buildings to culture, religion, history and natural beauty (Prentice 1993). Heritage is an essential part of the culture of individuals upon which the sense of belonging within a nation is built....
1965 Words 4 Pages
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