Essays on Tourism

A Major Role Of Tourism For Turkey And The

The tourism industry is a booming and lucrative sector that governments find attractive as they have played a key role, as suggested by Page and Connell (2006:297) “tourism policies are often vehicles of national political ambitions seeking to harness the economic and the political benefits of a buoyant tourism industry”. This essay explores this in...
1906 Words 4 Pages

Global Issues in Tourism: Sex Tourism

It’s thought that sex tourists are provoked by two motivational drives: psychological and physical needs. Two key propositions are addressed (1) The person’s level of perceived modernity relates to the perceived level of personal needs; and (2) The person’s level of perceived personal needs relates to the person’s desire of travel for sexual participation (Tepanon,...

Paris As Tourist Destination: Museums And Landmarks

Paris is the capital of France and the most highly populated city in the country with a population of 2.2 million. Since the 17th century Paris has been one of Europe’s major centres of finance, commerce, fashion, science and the arts, particularly well known for its museums and landmarks. In 2017, 23 million people visited...
1094 Words 2 Pages

Sustainable Tourism Challenges And Issues In India With Travel Agent / Tour

Data analysis:- For the main objective of the study, both descriptive and inferential statistical data analyses were performed. At starting, descriptive statistics were computed for all study variables. This consisted of means for all continuous variables and frequencies and percentages for all variables. The null hypotheses of this study, inferential analyses done on the percentage...
1496 Words 3 Pages

Improving Study Tour Product Introduction from The Aspects Of Push Factors And Program Design In Educational Tourism

A case study of short-term study tour programs in China market Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine the existent short-term study tour programs in the USA for Chinese junior secondary school students offered by extracurricular training schools in China and propose an improvement for website product introduction. Economic development, international trade, as...
3399 Words 7 Pages
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