Essays on Town

Problems with the Transport System In The Town Hartlepool

Introduction Hartlepool is a town of the county called Durham of England. The town lies between north Middlesbrough and south of Sunderland at distance 7 and 17 miles respectively, on the North Sea. It is governed as part of Borough of Hartlepool, a unitary authority. Hartlepool is having a beautiful coastal line which made Hartlepool...
1319 Words 3 Pages

The Historical Evolution Of Streetscape In Reviving Old Town District

1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background Study Urban development is the from underdeveloped areas to developed areas or areas to be more advanced then ever before. From a geographic perspective, these changes will effect on the national historical values. National historical values is defined as a permanent entity that is hereditary from generation to generation. Urban development...
1927 Words 4 Pages

Tourism And Tourist Influx Evaluation In Rishikesh Town Of Uttarakhand

Abstract: Tourism is a major engine of economic growth and an important source of employment and foreign exchange in many countries including India. It has great capacity to create large-scale employment of diverse kind– from the most specialized to the unskilled and hence can play a major role in creation of additional employment opportunities. It...
2002 Words 4 Pages

Retail Change In Reading Over The Last Twenty Years

Introduction This paper focuses on ways in which retail has changed throughout Reading over the last twenty years and provides an evaluation of what contributions or restrictions Reading Borough Council provided throughout this period. Retail has changed massively over the last couple of decades whether that be within towns, out of towns or online. In...
2713 Words 6 Pages

Cape Town Water Strategy

Many kinds of ecosystems support urban life with essential ecosystem services. With over 50% of the human population now living in urbanized areas, these societies are fundamentally dependent on the health of our ecosystems. One of the challenges we face is that current worldviews disconnect human progress and economic growth from the biosphere, treating humans...
3049 Words 7 Pages
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