Essays on Trade Union

The Positive And Negative Influence Of Trade Unions Over Employment Relations In An Organisation

Executive Summary The purpose of a union is to represent the interests of workers; therefore, union participation involves a collective bargaining process so that rewards and agreements can protect around application performance evaluation and performance-related compensation. The union also participates in the development, implementation, revision and modification of everything related to its members through negotiation....
2704 Words 6 Pages

Role Of Trade Unions In Protecting Its Member’s Interest

Protecting Its Member’s Interest The traditional concept of trade union function was to defend the workers’ rights and interests against the employers. Protection of employees and providing for security and improving the wages, conditions of work and standard of living are the main new functions of trade unions. a. Negotiating Machinery Negotiations include the proposals...
1554 Words 3 Pages

Trade Union In India: Historical Background And Modern Stage

As we all know that labour union or trade union is a sort of deliberate association shaped by specialists through group activity. Such sort of association have reinforced together to accomplish the shared objectives in key territories like wages, obligation hours, what’s more, working condition framing a cartel of works. It additionally assumes a significant...
2320 Words 5 Pages
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